
Why Do People Get Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Nowadays, chronic kidney disease becomes more and more popular, and it is a progressive kidney disease. Patients will have gradually reduced kidney function, and they will finally develop into kidney failure without taking effective treatment. In order to get a better prognosis with CKD, we need first know the main cause of chronic kidney disease for people.

Here are some of the common factors that can cause chronic kidney disease (CKD).

1. Genetic factor

There are some kinds of kidney diseases are related with genetic factors, such as PKD, alport syndrome, etc. In clinical, the occurrence of diabetic nephropathy is related with diabetes, and diabetes also has genetic tendency.

2. Drug abuse

For some people, they may take medicines by themselves when they get cold or fever, and some medicines are renal toxicity, which can cause kidney damage. So the drug abuse can also lead to CKD.

3. Bad life habits and eating habits

In daily life, some people have bad life habits and eating habits, which can also cause kidney damage. For example, long time urine-holding, long time no drinking water, bad health habits, and so on. All these may cause kidney damage and lead to CKD.

4. Environment pollution

In recent years, environment pollution becomes a big problem, such as food pollution, water pollution, air pollution, and so on, the environment pollution is a risk factors for people to get membranous nephropathy.

5. Self-diseases

There are some self-diseases can also cause CKD, such as cold, high blood pressure, diabetes, lupus, purpura, and so on. If these diseases cant be controlled well, they can cause kidney damage and lead to CKD.

Above are some of the factors that can cause CKD for people, so all of us need to pay attention and avoid it. In addition, people also need to take prompt and effective treatment to stop the progression of CKD once they got the disease. Any more questions, you can leave a message below, or you can also contact online doctor for free help.



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