
How to prevent the kidney disease’s recidivation ? There are three disciplines and eight items of attention that need to be remember.

Kidney disease patients are most concerned about two matters:

1) How to reduce creatinine level? 2) How to make index do not rise again?
Each patient’s treatment is different which depends on patient’s choice of hospital. However how to prevent the disease repeated after treatment, it nothing less than the following “three disciplines, eight items of attention.

Three Disciplines

1. Not Indiscriminate Use of Drugs

Whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine, both of them have some poisons. Most of drugs need to go through renal metabolism. If the drugs is too toxin to eat, it will not only cannot protect your kidney but also stimulus kidney and causes recidivation. When you can not certain whether the drugs you are taking have any risks, it is best to consult a professional kidney physician. Please do not trust the so-called secret recipe.

2. Don’t Reduce Drugs or Stop Drugs without Permission

Many patients who take hormones find that index turns negative will reduce or stop drugs. The result is his condition recividation. Therefore, patient can not stop drugs without doctor’s permission. In addition to hormones, there are also some other drugs, such as perindopril and losartan antihypertensive drugs. Many patients need to continue take these drugs even if the proteinuria relief. Because it can help stable urine protein and protect renal function.
3. Laboratory and Review in Time
Kidney disease is a silent killer, so don’t use the urine bubble to measure proteinuria and don’t use the soreness of waist to measure renal function. Because these symptoms are not reliable. After kidney condition is stable, patients can check again three months or so. The examination includes these index: uric routine, serum creatinine, uric albumen quantitative and blood pressure.

Eight Items of Attention

1、Reasonable diet

Patients with kidney disease require different nutrient component in different periods. For example, patients need to add more protein in the early stage, but the latter in order not to affect the renal function is to reduce the intake of protein. In addition, patients are not allow to eat seafood. They can choose to eat some low potassium or high potassium food according to themselves condition.

If you want to know more, please leave a message consultation. We need to do specific analysis according to specific circumstances.

2. Moderate drinking water

Most patients with kidney disease have experienced the suffering of swelling, reasonable drinking water can effectively prevent kidney disease recurrence. In addition, I advice patients to give up alcohol and tobacco drinks. After all, it’s risk factor is too high.

3.Low Salt Diet

A high salt diet can cause a rebound in proteinuria, so doctors suggest a low salt diet in your daily life.2g salt can satisfy our body needs, nutritionists recommend kidney disease patients can almost 3g salt per day, do not exceed 6G, and do not recommend complete prohibition of salt.

4. Ensuring Your Sleep

Kidney is a special organs which can replenish vital essence. Sleeping in the night can help replenish so that people can have the energy to release it during the day. If patients lack of sleep, they are more likely to have kidney loss. As a result, kidney loss recurrence is not far away.

Tips: 11 o’clock every night to 1:00 is the most appropriate time to nourish the kidney.

5. Don't overwork yourself

Overtired here not only refers to the exercise and after work “tired”, but also includes staying up late, continuing the spirit does not relax, the work disorder and other fatigue.

6. Mentality is the Most Important

No matter what disease, good attitude is a good medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine is divided the emotion into joy and sorrow, sadness and fear. The corresponding relationship and visceral are too sad, too angry injury liver, overstrung injured spleen, lung have sorrow, fear of renal injury.

7.Avoid infection

Infection can induce and aggravate kidney disease, therefore, reducing the infection is very important. For some chronic occult infection, the lesions should be treated in time, such as chronic periodontitis, tonsillitis, gynecological inflammation, perianal infection etc.

Reducing the incidence of acute infection need to strengthen physical exercise and keep healthy diet. Patients do not always think about what to eat. And don’t always think care products whether waste money.

8.Pay Attention to the Weather

Nephrotic patients can not fight with the weather. They should always pay attention to the wind and rain, sunny and other weather changes. In addition to the weather around the environment should also be concerned about the spring of the catkins pollen, summer high temperature, autumn cold, dry and cold in winter.



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