
Symptoms of high creatinine

Do yo know what are the symptoms with high creatinine level? as we know, high creatinine is a severe sign to kidney disease patients, because it means kidneys have been damaged severely with low kidney function. then what symptoms will patients have with high creatinine? you can learn from this article.

1. water metabolism disorders: including polyuria, nocturia increased, thirsty, mucosal dry, fatigue, etc .; or systemic edema, blood pressure, pulmonary edema and heart failure.

2. sodium metabolism disorders: hyponatremia or hypernatremia.

3. Potassium metabolic disorders: hyperkalemia or hypokalemia.

4. metabolic acidosis, the patient may have deep breathing and long, loss of appetite, abdominal pain and nausea, vomiting, weakness, headache, restless and even coma.

5. Aluminum, magnesium, copper, zinc, selenium abnormalities and so on.

6. Renal bone disease: bone pain and proximal muscle weakness; bone pain is often systemic, the following half of the body holding bone as heavy, skeletal deformity can cause short stature.

7. Respiratory disease.

8. Circulatory system lesions.

9. Digestive system lesions.

10. Blood system lesions, such as renal anemia and so on.

11. Infection.

12. Neuromuscular system Lesions and skin symptoms.

13. Endocrine dysfunction, such as: thyroid dysfunction, sexual dysfunction, growth retardation and so on.

14. Metabolic disorders, such as: carbohydrate metabolism disorders, lipid metabolism disorders, protein and amino acid metabolism disorders, metabolic waste retention.

If you have these symptoms with kidney disease, you should pay attention. taking early treatment to lower high creatinine can help you get a better prognosis. if you want to learn more about this treatment, you can send e-mail to caraliu1989@gmail.com, or contact with whatsapp +8613633219293. we will do the best to help.



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