
Symptoms and Causes of Kidney Failure

Your kidneys are a pair of organs located toward your lower back. One kidney is on each side of your spine. They filter your blood and remove toxins from your body. Your kidneys send toxins to your bladder. Your body later removes toxins during urination.
Kidney failure occurs when your kidneys lose the ability to filter waste from your blood sufficiently. Many factors can interfere with your kidney health and function, such as:
  • toxic exposure to environmental pollutants or certain medications
  • certain acute and chronic diseases
  • severe dehydration
  • kidney trauma
Your body becomes overloaded with toxins if your kidneys can’t do their regular job. This can lead to kidney failure and even be life-threatening if it’s left untreated.

Many different symptoms can occur during kidney failure. Usually someone with kidney failure will have a few symptoms of the disease, though sometimes none are present. Possible symptoms include:
  • a reduced amount of urine
  • swelling of your legs, ankles, and feet from retention of fluids caused by the failure of your kidneys to eliminate water waste
  • unexplained shortness of breath
  • excessive drowsiness or fatigue
  • persistent nausea
  • confusion
  • pain or pressure in your chest
  • seizures
  • coma

People who are most at risk for kidney failure usually have one or more of the following causes:

Loss of blood flow to the kidneys

A sudden loss of blood flow to your kidneys can prompt kidney failure. Some diseases and conditions that cause loss of blood flow to the kidneys include:
High blood pressure and anti-inflammatory medications can also limit blood flow.

Urine elimination problems

When your body can’t eliminate urine, toxins build up and overload the kidneys. Some cancers can block the urine passageways. These include prostate (most common type in men), coloncervical, and bladder cancers.
Other conditions can interfere with urination and possibly lead to kidney failure, including:

Other causes

Some diseases and conditions may lead to kidney failure, including:
  • blood clot in or around your kidneys
  • infection
  • an overload of toxins from heavy metals
  • drugs and alcohol
  • vasculitis, an inflammation of blood vessels
  • lupus, an autoimmune disease that can cause inflammation of many body organs
  • glomerulonephritis, an inflammation of the small blood vessels of the kidneys
  • hemolytic uremic syndrome, which involves the breakdown of red blood cells following a bacterial infection, usually of the intestines
  • multiple myeloma, a cancer of the plasma cells in your bone marrow
  • scleroderma, an autoimmune disease that affects your skin
  • thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, a disorder that causes blood clots in small vessels
  • chemotherapy drugs, medications that treat cancer and some autoimmune diseases
  • dyes used in some imaging tests
  • certain antibiotics
  • uncontrolled diabetes


Dark Skin in KidneyFailure: How to Treat It

Many reported cases of discolored skin, or dark skin, happen to people with End Stage kidney failure. Then, why kidney failure patient will experience dark skin and how to treat it?

Why kidney failure patient will experience dark skin?

Dark skin is likely to be associated with the toxins in the body. Our kidneys are our waste processing organ, when kidneys do not work properly, toxins will build up in the body. Then, dark skin or other skin problems will appear.

Another cause of skin discoloration is related to pigments called urochromes being retained in the skin. Normally these are excreted by healthy kidneys.

How to treat dark skin in kidney failure?

Dialysis is the process of artificially eliminating the toxins, but its not nearly as good as a real kidney. Our kidney works 24 hours a day, people probably pee 4 to 8 times a day to eliminate toxins. While dialysis only happens 2 to 6 hours every other day.
As a kidney failure patient who is on dialysis, if you still have some certain urine, we would like to recommend Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to you.

This treatment is based on Chinese herbal medicine, the aims of this treatment is to repair kidney damage and improve kidney function, which is different from any other treatments you are taking and have taken. As long as kidneys are saved, all those symptoms caused by kidney failure will be relieved gradually.

If you want to learn more details of the treatment, you can send e-mail to caraliu1989@gmail.com, or you can also contact online doctor for free help.
Whatsapp +8613633219293. We will do the best to help.

How to Increase Urine Output With Kidney Failure

#Patient Question: Doctor, How to increase urine output naturally with my kidney failure?
#Doctor answer: 
First, we need to know the main cause of urine output decrease. As we know, kidneys have function of removing excess fluid from body, kidneys have the function of producing urine. For kidney failure patients, when kidneys are damaged severely with low kidney function, kidneys fail to excrete fluid out effectively. So patients will get reduced urine output, or even stop urination. 
Second, from root cause, kidney failure patients need to take effective treatment to help repair kidney damage and improve kidney function. Then patients can get increase of urine output naturally. 
Third, Toxin-Removing Treatment will be a good choice, because it can help remove toxins and wastes out effectively. What’s more, it can also help repair kidney damage and improve the kidney function from root. If you want to learn more about this treatment, you can send e-mail to caraliu1989@gmail.com, or contact whatsapp +8613633219293, we will do the best to help.


You Should Do Like This As a CKD Patient

In recent years, more and more people were diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, some are primary disease, and some are secondary diseases, which can be caused by hypertension, diabetes, gout, lupus, and so on. Then what should CKD patients do one they are diagnosed with this problem? In the following article, you can learn more.

As CKD patients, you should do like this.

Daily healthy living:

1. Avoid infections. Infections can worsen the disease, so patients need to avoid possible infections in daily life, including cold, cough, diarrhea, etc.

2. Have good rest and avoid overworked. Overworked in daily life can make poor immune system to patients, thus can worsen the disease. So patients need to have good rest and avoid overworked.

3. Pay attention of the medication intake. Some medicines can be renal toxicity, which can cause further kidney damage. So patients need to follow advice of doctors and take right medications.

4. Take regular countercheck

Diet suggestions:

1. Keep a low salt intake. Due to swelling and high blood pressure, patients need to keep a low salt intake, it can relieve the symptoms.

2. Limit protein intake. Patients are suggested to take proper amount of high quality protein, including lean meat, egg whites, milk, fish, etc.

3. Limit the purine intake. This can reduce the uric acid production in blood and relieve kidney damage.

4. If patients have high potassium or phosphorus in blood, they need to limit the foods high in potassium or phosphorus, it can relive kidney burden and avoid some severe complications.

Treatment suggestions:

Taking medical treatment is the most important thing for CKD patients to get a good prognosis, and the most important thing is taking treatment that can restore renal function. In China, we use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy combined with some other therapies to remedy the kidney disease. It can improve kidney function effectively and fundamentally.

Above are some of the suggestions for CKD patients to follow, all these can be beneficial for their illness condition. If you want to learn more, you can leave a message below or contact online doctor for free help.

Life Expectancy of Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

How long can I live with stage 3 CKD? Nowadays, kidney diseases are very common and it can progress gradually. If not treated timely, it may develop into End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) which may be a threat of patients’ life.

Generally, stage 3 CKD is usually an indication of moderate decreasing of kidney function. And the GFR of patients can be about 30-59 ml/min/1.72m2. Some of the renal tissues will be damaged and the symptoms like abnormal urine, edema, high blood pressure and so on will happen.

However, the life expectancy of Stage 3 CKD patients can be various. Sometimes, it can be reversed with an effective treatment as well as a healthy lifestyle.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is strongly recommended by many experts to treat kidney disease and prolong patients’ lifespan. It is an external therapy of Chinese medicine which can impair the damaged renal tissues and rebuild kidney function from the root cause.

For one thing, with the help of osmotic equipment, the Micro-Chinese medicine can enter the renal tissues directly. Then, through expanding blood vessels, anti-inflammatory, anti-coagulation, it can improve the internal environment of kidneys and eliminate the inflammatory factors and wastes in kidneys. In this way, the further progression of kidney damage can be restrained.

For another, the Micro-Chinese medicine can also provide some nutritious substances to help supply the missing nutrition in kidneys. Thus it can achieve the aim of improving kidney function and avoiding the relapse of kidney damage.

If you are diagnosed with stage 3 CKD, you can tell your condition to our online doctor, and we will help you to choose the good treatment for your disease. And only by a proper treatment can you enjoy a long and healthy life. Best wishes!

Why Do People Get Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Nowadays, chronic kidney disease becomes more and more popular, and it is a progressive kidney disease. Patients will have gradually reduced kidney function, and they will finally develop into kidney failure without taking effective treatment. In order to get a better prognosis with CKD, we need first know the main cause of chronic kidney disease for people.

Here are some of the common factors that can cause chronic kidney disease (CKD).

1. Genetic factor

There are some kinds of kidney diseases are related with genetic factors, such as PKD, alport syndrome, etc. In clinical, the occurrence of diabetic nephropathy is related with diabetes, and diabetes also has genetic tendency.

2. Drug abuse

For some people, they may take medicines by themselves when they get cold or fever, and some medicines are renal toxicity, which can cause kidney damage. So the drug abuse can also lead to CKD.

3. Bad life habits and eating habits

In daily life, some people have bad life habits and eating habits, which can also cause kidney damage. For example, long time urine-holding, long time no drinking water, bad health habits, and so on. All these may cause kidney damage and lead to CKD.

4. Environment pollution

In recent years, environment pollution becomes a big problem, such as food pollution, water pollution, air pollution, and so on, the environment pollution is a risk factors for people to get membranous nephropathy.

5. Self-diseases

There are some self-diseases can also cause CKD, such as cold, high blood pressure, diabetes, lupus, purpura, and so on. If these diseases cant be controlled well, they can cause kidney damage and lead to CKD.

Above are some of the factors that can cause CKD for people, so all of us need to pay attention and avoid it. In addition, people also need to take prompt and effective treatment to stop the progression of CKD once they got the disease. Any more questions, you can leave a message below, or you can also contact online doctor for free help.

Can Dialysis Reverse the Kidney Function

As we know, dialysis is an effective treatment for kidney failure patients, which can help filter blood and relieve some of the severe symptoms. However, many patients have the wonder that whether dialysis can revers kidney function, whether they can stop dialysis and get a better life. In this article, we will learn about it.

In case of renal sufficiency, there are lots of diseased, dead cells and tissues. If we can not keep the cells and tissues in healthy, so the kidney cells and tissues will damage, and the kidney function is hard to recover. So doctor advice to accept treatments as soon as possible for avoiding the damage again. Otherwise, the illness conditions develops into incurable stage.

Can dialysis recover renal function? There is a hospital to provide a series of natural treatments in Beijing china. Due to there are lots of toxins and excess wastes in body, and it damage to the kidney cells and tissues again, otherwise, it also affects the effects of other treatments. So we research Toxins-Removing Treatments to remove all kinds of toxins and excess wastes out with whole body.

Due to the good and healthy internal environment, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and other natural treatments, such as Medicated bath, Foot bath, Immunotherapy, steam therapy, Moxibustion, Acupuncture, which can get the better effects.

For example, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the best treatments for recovering kidney function. There are lots of chinese herbal medicines in this therapy, otherwise, the two bags fulfill with chinese herbal medicines powder. Patients need to lie in the bed with two bags on shenshu area for 40-50 minutes. Active ingredients will penetrate inside kidney lesion with the osmotic machine. At the same time, it can supply the nutrients and oxygen to damaged kidney for recovering renal function.

Still has doubts about whether it can recover renal function after Dialysis? You want to know more about natural treatments how to solve kidney problem in details? You can consult the online doctor, or leave a message below.

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Symptoms and Causes of Kidney Failure

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