
Dark Skin in KidneyFailure: How to Treat It

Many reported cases of discolored skin, or dark skin, happen to people with End Stage kidney failure. Then, why kidney failure patient will experience dark skin and how to treat it?

Why kidney failure patient will experience dark skin?

Dark skin is likely to be associated with the toxins in the body. Our kidneys are our waste processing organ, when kidneys do not work properly, toxins will build up in the body. Then, dark skin or other skin problems will appear.

Another cause of skin discoloration is related to pigments called urochromes being retained in the skin. Normally these are excreted by healthy kidneys.

How to treat dark skin in kidney failure?

Dialysis is the process of artificially eliminating the toxins, but its not nearly as good as a real kidney. Our kidney works 24 hours a day, people probably pee 4 to 8 times a day to eliminate toxins. While dialysis only happens 2 to 6 hours every other day.
As a kidney failure patient who is on dialysis, if you still have some certain urine, we would like to recommend Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to you.

This treatment is based on Chinese herbal medicine, the aims of this treatment is to repair kidney damage and improve kidney function, which is different from any other treatments you are taking and have taken. As long as kidneys are saved, all those symptoms caused by kidney failure will be relieved gradually.

If you want to learn more details of the treatment, you can send e-mail to caraliu1989@gmail.com, or you can also contact online doctor for free help.
Whatsapp +8613633219293. We will do the best to help.



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