
Toxin-Removing Treatment can Improve Kidney Function

(1). What Your Kidneys Do
Healthy kidneys:
Keep a balance of water and minerals (such as sodium, potassium, and phosphorus) in your blood
Remove waste from your blood after digestion, muscle activity, and exposure to chemicals or medications
Make renin, which your body uses to help manage your blood pressure
Make a chemical called erythropoietin, which prompts your body to make red blood cells
Make an active form of vitamin D, needed for bone health and other
When your kidneys are damaged, waste products and fluid will build up in your blood and your body. With time, your blood will be heavily polluted and the toxified blood will cause further damage to your kidney.

(2).What is Toxin-Removing Treatment
Toxin-Removing Treatment is the latest treatment of kidney disease developed in China Kidney hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It starts treating the patient's blood first and then the kidney diseae. The specialists use various techniques to clean the waste products in the blood, detoxify and purify the blood, offer necessary supplements to make balance in the blood environment so that the blood become healthy, restores original functions and normal blood circulation, and will not damage the kidney and other organs. This latest therapy consists of three medical treatments:
a. detoxify and clean your blood
b. supplement the blood with necessary nutrition
c. restore the blood and kidney functions.
Detoxify and clean your blood

Based on your specific conditions and the seriousness of your toxified blood, our specialists will suggest different blood purification combinations which integrate Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine to detoxify the poisons and remove the wastes in your blood. A series of effective Chinese medicine herbs and formulas are available for a variety of conditions. The core treatment is an innovation of technique and method in blood purification which is efficient in clearing the clogged wastes adhering to vascular walls and the toxins detained in the blood. By dreging the blood stasis, the blood circulation will be normalised and the metabolism will be restored.

Supplement your blood with neccesary nutrition

This treatment focuses in restoring the balance of blood environment. Because of the dysfunctions of kidney, some indispensable mineral elements and nutrients are deficient in the patient's blood which is unbalanced. Through the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, we supply what are missing in the patient's blood so that the normal blood environment and the normal body physiological mechanism will be achieved, and then we have a good base for next treatment - restore the blood and kidney functions.

Restore Blood and Kidney Functions

This is the last but critical treatment in the whole process. The key is to restore the blood and kidney functions.

Only kidney's normal functions are resumed, the blood will keep the healthy balance status and so the kiday and the whole body. A variety of Chinese medicines are used to stimulate the self renewal ability of internal organs, maitain fluent blood and liquid circulations, strengthen energy and vitality in human body, and eventually recover the kidney functions and cure the kidney disease.

There are some side effects in Toxin-Removing Treatment, but for patients most side effects can be avoided. Our doctors will prescribe a series of tests to evaluate your specific case and tell you advantages and the possible side effects in your conditons before treatment. Welcome you to contact us for this latest Chinese Treatment developed in China Kidney Hospital of Trational Chinese Medicnce. We will get back to you asap.



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