
What Are Causes of Chronic Renal Failure

[工号] KidneyDoctor 说:(2017-07-08 19:31:02)
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[工号] KidneyDoctor 说:(2017-07-08 19:31:18)
Do you have any questions about kidney disease?

[客户] 64863898805 说:(2017-07-08 19:32:08)
What are the causes of chronic renal failure

[工号] KidneyDoctor 说:(2017-07-08 19:32:53)
there are many reason can result the kidney failure, such as hypertension, diabetes, kidney infections, heart disease, etc. What discomforts do you have?

[客户] 64863898805 说:(2017-07-08 19:33:28)
I always feel tired, and I have swelling in my body with high blood pressure. What should I do with the chronic renal failure? Please help.

[工号] KidneyDoctor 说:(2017-07-08 19:34:46)
Chronic renal failure means kidneys have been damaged severely with low kidney function. In this condition, the most important thing is taking treatment to repair kidney damage and improve kidney function, then it can help stop the disease. In addition, you also need to keep a well planed diet to reduce kidney burden and protect your kidneys. Then you can get a better prognosis.

[客户] 64863898805 说:(2017-07-08 19:36:08)
But what is the effective treatment? How can I get it?

[工号] KidneyDoctor 说:(2017-07-08 19:38:32)
Western medicine treatment is the most suggested treatment for kidney failure, but they can only control the symptoms, and some the western medicines may cause some severe side effects. In China, we use the traditional Chinese medicine treatment to repair kidney damage and improve kidney function, the featured treatment is Toxin-Removing Treatment, and it includes various Chinese medicine therapies, such as foot bath, full bath, oral Chinese medicine, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, and so on. Based on your own condition, different therapies will be used. And these therapies can be used to stop your disease. If you want to learn more details of the treatment in our hospital, you can send e-mail to caraliu1989@gmail.com, or contact with whatsapp +8613633219293.



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