
Are There Any Hope For Failed Kidneys Without Kidney Transplant

Renal Patient: Both kidneys as Pakistani Doctors failed suggest only tranplant but if there are any hope without transplant kindly till us with fee all experiences in Pakistani rs can I send all tests you will check give us advise.

Kidney Doctor: Kidney transplant can be an alternative to dialysis and in many cases will be the treatment of choice. However, it may be months or even years before a suitable kidney becomes available. Besides, even if you have a successful kidney transplant, you must take pills to suppress your immune system for the life of the transplant. These pills keep your body from rejecting your new kidney. You also need to see your doctors regularly to monitor your health and your transplanted kidney.

Due to the limitation and risks of kidney transplant, a lot of people want to find alternatives to kidney transplantation. In our hospital-Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, China, we innovate a series of Chinese medicine treatments including Medicated Bath, Medicated Foot Bath, Mai Kang Mixture, Medicinal Soup, Moxibustion Therapy and Steaming Therapy, etc. Purifying your blood should be the first step in kidney disease treatment. Because healthy kidneys are responsible for removing wastes and toxins out while failed kidneys can not do this function. In this way, a lot of wastes and toxins will build up in your body. This can pollute your blood. And you can not get a good therapeutic effect no matter which medicine you take. The wastes and toxins in your body can counteract the effect of medication you take and also cause further kidney damage. Thus, the first step in kidney treatment should expel wastes and toxins out. This can provide you a good internal blood environment for recovering renal function. According to your specific condition, our experts will make you an individualized treatment plan. Our Chinese medicine treatments aim to dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation, prevent inflammation and coagulation, degrade extracellular matrix, provide nutrients and remove blood stasis so as to improve renal function gradually. When kidney function is strengthened, it is possible to defer kidney transplant.

Our Chinese medicine treatments can help patients with both failed kidneys avoid kidney transplantation. If you want to know more information, you can leave a message below or consult our online doctor directly.



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