
What are the reasons for elevated blood creatinine?

Any condition that impairs the function of the kidneys is likely to raise the creatinine level in the blood. It is important to recognize whether the process leading to kidney dysfunction (kidney failure, azotemia) is longstanding or recent. Recent elevations may be more easily treated and reversed.

The most common causes of longstanding (chronic) kidney disease in adults are

high blood pressure and


Other causes of elevated blood creatinine levels are:

- Certain drugs (for example,cimetidine [Bactrim]) can sometimes cause abnormally elevated creatinine levels.

- Serum creatinine can also transiently increase after ingestion of a large amount of dietary meat; thus,nutrition can sometimes play a role in creatinine measurement.

- Kidney infections,rhabdomyolysis (abnormal muscle breakdown) and urinary tract obstruction may also elevate creatinine levels.



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