
Different symptoms of different renal diseases

1:IgA nephropathy
Performance: recurrent hematuria, edema, usually accompanied by hypertension, diabetes prone to repeated hematuria. Three days after upper respiratory tract infection, accompanied by abdominal pain, back pain, muscle pain or fever. A small part is present in patients with microscopic hematuria.

2: Nephritis
Performance: fatigue, waist pain, hematuria, edema, hypertension, abnormal renal function, urine volume decreased (with Shao Niao), congestive heart failure.

3: Nephrotic syndrome
Performance: is the first symptom in renal edema, proteinuria+ or oliguria, less than 400ml/ days, often feel tired, anorexia, pale, listlessness, most blood pressure is normal.

4: Lupus nephritis
Presentation: presence of nephritis and renal complex, with zygomatic erythema, discoid erythema, and photosensitivity

5: Hypertensive kidney
Manifestations: nocturia increased, a large number of proteinuria+, systemic edema, blood cholesterol, triglyceride levels were significantly higher

6: Renal purpura
Performance: skin purpura, joint pain, abdominal pain, hematochezia and hematuria are typical features. The most common digestive tract symptoms, loss of appetite, abdominal distension, nausea, vomiting, regurgitation and belching.

Different kinds of kidney disease, patients may have different symptoms. And the specific treatment will also be different. What kinds of kidney diseases are you suffering from? are you taking any treatment now? if you want to get more suggestions for your own disease,you can send e-mail to caraliu1989@gmail.com,or contact online doctor for free help. 



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