
Asymptomatic hematuria, persistent proteinuria+, which is more terrible?

Hematuria and proteinuria+ are symptoms of kidney disease, their clinical significance are not the same. Proteinuria, hematuria, hypertension are the three major symptoms of glomerulonephritis, also known as nephritis syndrome, but if it is chronic nephritis these three symptoms are not appear at the same time .

Hematuria, proteinuria, how does hypertension affect kidney disease?

1, Simple renal hematuria

No proteinuria, no High blood pressure, common in occult glomerulonephritis, or familial thin basement membrane nephropathy, these two cases without treatment, to regular review.

2, High blood pressure, proteinuria

Leading to kidney disease kidney function deterioration of the two factors, if the kidney patients with high blood pressure and proteinuria can not control, it will lead to deterioration of renal function.

3, urine protein quantitative

urine protein quantification is an important indicator of the severity of nephritis. If the quantitative ≥ 3.5g, can be identified as Nephrotic syndrome. The greater the amount of urine protein, the more serious the condition.

Urine protein quantification is also a major indicator of the treatment of nephritis treatment, such as after treatment, urinary protein quantification <0.4g can be identified as significantly improved or cured.

Early discovery, the opportunity to restore kidney disease.



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