
Improper diet can lead to kidney failure?

As the saying goes, Disease are caused by the mouth.Some metabolic diseases such as high blood pressure now, diabetes and other diseases are related to diet.

Can not eat meat on a low protein diet

Red meat and white meat containing high quality protein, are major sources of protein intake in patients with nephropathy.

But the requirements for protein intake are different for different nephropathy:

1., nephrotic syndrome patients generally suffering from proteinuria, should be low protein diet

2. chronic nephritis, sugar, kidney, kidney failure (non dialysis) and other nephrotic patients, the daily intake of protein per kilogram body weight should be 0.5-0.8g.

3. patients who have been in the uremic stage have undergone hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis or renal transplantation, and the protein intake per kilogram of body weight per day should be 1.0-1.4g.

Can low salt diet still take salt?

Generally do not require complete prohibition of salt, only a high degree of edema or complete absence of urine in patients with short-term prohibition of salt. If the two symptoms disappeared, you can have a low salt diet.



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