
Symptoms Of Kidney Cyst

Renal cysts appear on the kidneys ranging from the size of the cysts are not connected with the general term, the early symptoms of renal cysts is not obvious, in the physical examination when patients will know that they suffer from renal cysts, if the patient wants Early to know whether they have kidney cysts, first of all we come to understand what the symptoms of renal cysts?

One, waist, abdominal discomfort or pain:

Renal cysts in patients with waist, abdominal discomfort or pain is due to kidney enlargement and expansion, so that increased renal capsule tension, kidney pedicle by pulling, or caused by the adjacent organs pressure.

In addition, the kidney polycystinations lead to kidney water content, become heavy, falling traction, can also cause pain in the waist. Pain is characterized by pain, dull pain, fixed on one side or both sides, to the lower and lower back radiation. If there is hemorrhage or secondary infection, it will cause a sudden increase in pain. Such as the merger of stones or bleeding clots blocked urinary tract, there may be renal colic.

Second, renal cyst patients in the urine routine examination will find hematuria: hematuria can be expressed as microscopic hematuria or naked eye hematuria. Attack was cyclical, seizures often increased, severe exercise, trauma, infection can be induced or aggravated. Renal cyst patients bleeding because there are many arteries below the wall, due to increased pressure or combined infection, so that the wall of blood vessels due to excessive traction and bleeding.

Third, the abdominal mass: abdominal mass is sometimes the main reason for renal cyst patients, 60% to 80% of renal cyst patients can reach the swelling of the kidney. In general, the greater the kidney, the worse the kidney function.
Four, proteinuria: generally not much, 24 hours urine will not exceed 2g, and more will not occur nephrotic syndrome.

5, high blood pressure: solid cysts oppression of the kidneys, causing renal ischemia, so that increased secretion of renin, causing high blood pressure. In the normal renal function, more than 50% of patients with hypertension, renal dysfunction, the higher the incidence of hypertension.

Six patients suffering from renal cysts after renal dysfunction, then what is the reason for this? As the cysts occupy, oppression, the normal renal tissue significantly reduced, progressive decline in renal function.

Renal cyst patients know the symptoms of renal cysts can be treated early, but also in the treatment of renal cysts at the same time care, in the life of many details of the attention will increase the disease, renal cyst patients need to pay attention to prevent the recurrence of renal cysts , To avoid the exacerbations of the disease.



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