
Types and Symptoms of Kidney Cyst

Kidney cyst is the size of the kidneys ranging from the outside world is not connected to the cystic mass of the general term, common renal cysts can be divided into adult polycystic kidney disease, simple renal cysts and acquired renal cysts. Common symptoms of renal cysts are hypertension, renal dysfunction, kidney enlargement, proteinuria and white blood cell urine, and waist and abdomen pain discomfort

What are the types of renal cysts?

1, adult type renal cysts

Adult type renal cyst is a congenital hereditary disease, kidney parenchyma filled with countless size ranging from the outside world is not connected to the circular kidney cyst. Manifested as nocturia increased, low back pain, high blood pressure and so on. Urine examination with hematuria, a small amount of proteinuria, often slowly developed into chronic renal failure. 10% of people with kidney stones, 30% of people with polycystic liver. Experienced doctors with B ultrasound, intravenous pyelography can be diagnosed.

2, simple renal cysts

May be a congenital anomaly, is unilateral or bilateral kidney and there are one or several different sizes of the circle and the outside is not connected to the cavity, mostly unilateral, it is called simple renal cysts. The incidence rate can be arbitrarily increased and increased, more than 50 years of age to do B-ultrasound, 50% can be found in this cyst. With B ultrasound, CT can be diagnosed.

3, acquired renal cysts

Mainly due to uremia or dialysis after treatment occurred. Has nothing to do with age, but with the time of hemodialysis. The kidneys had no renal cysts, according to the literature, dialysis time more than 3 years, most patients will appear cysts. It is a kidney at least four cysts, some cysts can occur infection, and even cancer, B ultrasound or CT examination can be diagnosed.

What are the common symptoms of renal cysts?

1, high blood pressure: the disease is the early common performance, and a direct impact on prognosis. According to reports, no azotemia patients nearly 60% of hypertensive patients; normal renal function in patients with hypertension when the kidney was significantly greater than normal blood pressure.

2, renal dysfunction: 30 years of age rarely occurs before chronic renal failure, to 59 years old when about half of the patients have lost renal function and the need for alternative treatment.

3, kidney enlargement: can be greater than normal 5-6 times, both sides may have significant differences. Early renal enlargement imaging examination can be found in severe abdominal palpation can be found.

4, proteinuria and white blood cells: 20 to 40 years old patients 20% to 40% have mild persistent proteinuria, 24 hours urine protein quantification generally below 1g. White blood cells more common, but not necessarily urinary tract infection.

5, waist and abdomen discomfort, pain: This is the kidney and cysts increased, increased renal capsule tension or traction renal pedicle caused by vascular nerves. Suddenly exacerbated pain often intracapsular hemorrhage or secondary infection, combined with stones or bleeding clots blocked after ureter can cause renal colic.



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