
What Causes High Creatinine Levels?

Creatinine is measured in a routinely ordered blood test, and it’s a reflection of general metabolic health. Normal creatinine bloods levels for men are about 0.6 to 1.2 milligrams/deciliters (mg/dL) and 0.5 to 1.1 mg/dL for women. Creatinine is a chemical waste product found in the blood — a byproduct of normal, everyday muscle contractions. Under normal conditions, it’s filtered by the kidneys and removed from the body through urination.

Temporary elevated levels may occur, regardless of kidney function, due to taking certain supplements or medications, dehydration, consuming large amounts of meat or protein or through building muscle through heavy weight training.

Kidney Disease and High Creatinine Levels

Abnormally high levels of creatinine may indicate kidney damage or chronic kidney disease. Functional damage to the kidneys can be due to a serious infection or low blood flow to the kidneys. Reduced blood flow or low blood pressure can be a result of heart failure, artery disease or severe dehydration.

Another cause is the loss of the architectural units where filtration is performed — the glomerulus. An increase in blood creatinine and reduced excretion are signs of lost kidney glomerular function — or glomerular filtration rate. Diseases that affect the microscopic blood vessels in the glomerulus, such as diabetes, or inflammatory or autoimmune diseases of the kidney, such as lupus, can damage the delicate structures involved in kidney filtration. Some inherited conditions (such as Goodpasture syndrome), response to infectious agents (such as Streptococcus) and damage caused by medications can also reduce kidney function.

Other conditions that can lead to damage include: Rhabdomyolysis Muscular dystrophy Gout Strenuous exercise Shock resulting in blood loss Burns

Symptoms of High Creatinine Levels

Some people with high creatinine levels may experience the following symptoms: Confusion Weakness Shortness of breath Fatigue Dehydration

Factors That Can Affect Creatinine Test Results

- Medications: phenytoin, vitamin C, diuretics, some antibiotics, cimetidine and quinine

- Doing strenuous exercise two days before testing

- Eating high amounts of meat (eight ounces) within 24 hours of testing

Urinary Tract Obstruction and High Creatinine Levels

Another way kidney filtration may be impaired is when something obstructs urine flow from the kidney. A blockage in the urinary tract, especially the ureter (which transfers fluid from the kidney to the bladder), the bladder itself or the urethra, will obstruct the flow. Conditions that may block the urinary system include kidney stones, congenital obstructions, post-injury or postsurgical scarring, poor bladder emptying (aka benign prostatic hypertrophy—BPH) or due to prostate cancer. Blood test results are typically normal — especially if there is only partial obstruction — but tests may reveal high levels of creatinine if there has been a complete obstruction for more than several hours.

Sources of Creatinine

In addition to production in the skeletal muscle of the body, creatine and creatinine are also present in the diet in meat. Vegetarians have lower intake of these substances than people eating a diet high in animal flesh, especially beef. Creatine is a molecule that acts as a muscle’s store of energy and breaks down into creatinine. People seeking to enhance muscle performance sometimes take creatine supplements, such as creatine salts or creatine esters. High intake of dietary or supplemental sources of creatine may increase the rate of creatinine production, elevate plasma creatinine and increase creatinine in the urine.

8 Home Remedies to Naturally Lower Your Creatinine Levels

Creatinine is a blood chemical waste product generated when you use your muscles. Eating lots of protein may also produce small amounts. High creatinine level is often means kidneys have been damaged severely with less than 50% kidney function left. In this condition, patients need to take effective treatment to lower it and improve the kidney function, thus can make a good prognosis to patients.

Talk to your doctor about ways to help lower your creatinine levels, including these eight natural options:

1. Cut back on vigorous exercise

Exercise is usually a good thing, but overdoing it may spike your creatinine levels. Since muscle metabolism produces creatinine, overusing muscle groups through strenuous activity might raise levels.

2. Don’t take supplements containing creatine

Creatine is a natural compound made in your liver. It’s transported to your muscles where it’s used for energy. Unused creatine not used as energy converts into creatinine, a waste product.

3. Reduce your protein intake

Research shows eating large amounts of protein can increase creatinine levels, at least temporarily. Cooked red meat in particular can affect creatinine. The heat from cooking causes creatine found in meat to produce creatinine.

People with diets very high in red meat or other protein sources, including dairy products, may have higher creatinine levels than people who eat less of those foods. If you eat lots of red meat, switch to more vegetable-based dishes. Try swapping out beef burgers for vegetable patties, hearty vegetable stew, or lentil soup.

4. Eat more fiber

More research is needed to determine the effect dietary fiber has on creatinine levels. But one study showed significant reductions in creatinine levels in people with chronic kidney disease who increased their fiber intake.

5. Talk to your doctor about how much fluid you should drink

Dehydration can raise creatinine levels. Fluid intake can also be an issue for some people who have kidney disease. Talk to your doctor about how much water and other fluids you should drink daily and when is best to drink them.

6. Try chitosan supplements

Chitosan is a dietary supplement mostly used by people hoping to lose weight or reduce cholesterol. There is some research indicating that chitosan may also be effective in reducing creatinine levels in people with renal failure.

Before starting chitosan or any other dietary supplement, talk with your doctor. You’ll need to know how to take it and the appropriate dosage.

7. Take WH30+

Many herbs are natural diuretics and may help some people reduce creatinine levels. However, conclusive scientific data is lacking on herbs and how effective they are in reducing creatinine levels.

One animal study showed improvement in creatinine levels in rats when they were treated with a Chinese herbal formula called WH30+.

8. Use salvia

In China people use salvia to treat renal failure. And a review of several studies indicated salvia may have a positive effect. But, salvia is a hallucinogen so it should be used very carefully.

Even common herbs can interfere with medications. It’s important to discuss your use of herbs, including herbal teas, with your doctor.

Above are some of the natural treatment for kidney patients with high creatinine level. However, since the high creatinine is mainly caused by severe kidney damage, so the basic treatment should focus on repairing kidney damage and improve the kidney function from root. If you want to learn more details of the root treatment to lower high creatinine, you can send e-mail to caraliu1989@gmail.com, or you can also contact online doctor for free help.


Is Creatinine 11 a Dangerous Indicator of Kidney Disease

Creatinine includes serum creatinine and urine creatinine and in most cases it refers to serum creatinine which is the metabolin of the muscle. It is slowly produced through irreversible non-enzymatic dehydration reaction and released into the blood and be discharged out of the body with urine through the filtration of kidneys.

#Creatininelevel is closely related to the total muscle in the body and it is seldom influenced by extra-renal factors such as diets, catabolism. If the intake of exogenous creatinine (the metabolin of meat products) and the production of endogenous creatinine (20mg/kg per day) are stable, the level of creatinine is mainly up to glomerular filtration rate (it is filtered out by the glomeruli and seldom re-absorbed by renal tubules). When the glomerular filtration rate declines to a certain degree, there will be increase of creatinine.

Under normal circumstances, the serum creatinine level for male is 0.7-1.2mg/dl and 0.5-1.0mg/ml for female. Since kidneys have strong compensatory power, increased creatinine indicates that more than 50% kidney functions have been lost. Creatinine 11 is much higher than the normal value, therefore it indicates very dangerous kidney damages and usually dialysis is ordered by physicians.

However there are indeed some patients having no obvious symptoms even when their creatinine level reaches 11. What is the reason and in such case should they start dialysis or not? This is because different people have different constitution and endurance of toxins. Weather patients start #dialysis should not only depend on creatinine level. It mainly depends on weather patients have the following symptoms such as severe abdominal, chest, lung and pericardial effusion or severe neurotoxic reactions. These reactions are caused by excessive accumulation of wastes and toxins in the body and they will threaten the patients’ life, therefore dialysis is needed immediately to help clear the internal environment.


How to Lower Phosphorus Food in Kidney Disease Diet

Healthy kidneys help regulate the phosphorus levels and other particles levels in your body, by removing the excessive minerals. Treatments, such as dialysis, helps filter the extra phosphorus, but it doesn’t remove all of it. This is why a lowering phosphorus foods guidance is established here.

Why you need to take low phosphorus foods?

Medical therapy cannot remove the extra phosphorus thoroughly, you need manage how much of it goes in your body. With low phosphorus foods replacing those that rich in it, your damaged kidneys will not wear out.

Phosphorus food guide

Phosphorus Food,Kidney Disease

Try to Avoid the following high-phosphorus food
- Uncooked macaroni and Cheese from box
- Soft serve vanilla frozen yogurt
- Cheddar cheese
- Fast good, pepperoni topping, regular crust, pizza chain
- Smooth-style peanut butter with salt
- Dry-roasted mixed nuts with peanuts, with salt added
- Mr. Goodbar chocolate bar
- Caffeinated dar cola
- Caramel custard or flan, prepared from recipe
- Vanilla ice cream
- Cooked long-grain brown rice
- Bran flake
- Instant oatmeal with raisins, dates, and walnuts, prepared with water
- Canned baked beans with no salt added or canned red kidney bean
Considering Taking these low-phosphorus food
- Cooked long-grain white rice
- Low-sodium corn flake
- Instant Cream of Wheat without salt or cup instant grits without salt, prepared with water
- Canned green beans, drained, with no salt added
- Jelly beans
- Pretzels with salt
- Noncaffeinated clear soda or root bee
- JELL-O with 2 tbsp pressurized whipped-cream toppin
- Orange sherbe
- Ready-to-eat rice pudding
- Enriched spaghetti cooked with salt, margarine, garlic powder, dry basil flakes
- Orange sherbet
- French bread with part-skim, low-moisture mozzarella cheese melted on top
- Regular cream cheese
- Jam or honey

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