
Is Creatinine 11 a Dangerous Indicator of Kidney Disease

Creatinine includes serum creatinine and urine creatinine and in most cases it refers to serum creatinine which is the metabolin of the muscle. It is slowly produced through irreversible non-enzymatic dehydration reaction and released into the blood and be discharged out of the body with urine through the filtration of kidneys.

#Creatininelevel is closely related to the total muscle in the body and it is seldom influenced by extra-renal factors such as diets, catabolism. If the intake of exogenous creatinine (the metabolin of meat products) and the production of endogenous creatinine (20mg/kg per day) are stable, the level of creatinine is mainly up to glomerular filtration rate (it is filtered out by the glomeruli and seldom re-absorbed by renal tubules). When the glomerular filtration rate declines to a certain degree, there will be increase of creatinine.

Under normal circumstances, the serum creatinine level for male is 0.7-1.2mg/dl and 0.5-1.0mg/ml for female. Since kidneys have strong compensatory power, increased creatinine indicates that more than 50% kidney functions have been lost. Creatinine 11 is much higher than the normal value, therefore it indicates very dangerous kidney damages and usually dialysis is ordered by physicians.

However there are indeed some patients having no obvious symptoms even when their creatinine level reaches 11. What is the reason and in such case should they start dialysis or not? This is because different people have different constitution and endurance of toxins. Weather patients start #dialysis should not only depend on creatinine level. It mainly depends on weather patients have the following symptoms such as severe abdominal, chest, lung and pericardial effusion or severe neurotoxic reactions. These reactions are caused by excessive accumulation of wastes and toxins in the body and they will threaten the patients’ life, therefore dialysis is needed immediately to help clear the internal environment.



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