
Can Traditional Chinese Medicine Treat Uremia?

Can traditional Chinese medicine treat uremia? Kidney disease not only influence patient’s health, but also influence patient’s mood. Traditional Chinese medicine has a good effect on uremia. Now let us tell you something about that.

Traditional Chinese medicine could help patient improve physical fitness and immune system through the overall conditioning. Due to much toxin in uremia patient’s body, so it would damage many organs in patient’s body and reduce the immune system. All kinds of infection and low immune system are the main reasons of death in uremia patients. According to the long history of Traditional Chinese Medicine, we found it has a very precise role in regulating the body's immune system. The most important is that many Chinese medicine have two-way adjustment function which does not have any side effect during treatment. Many uremia patients usually appear the symptoms such as low appetite, vomiting, nausea and astriction, these symptoms would disappeared quickly through the traditional Chinese Medicine therapies.

Traditional Chinese Medicine could help patient protect the rest kidney function. Although uremia patients are in the end stage of renal failure, patients also have about 5% to 15% kidney function which is the most important for uremia patient because it could help patients remove the water and toxin. Some scientific research and clinical research have approved that Traditional Chinese Medicine could protect the rest kidney function.

So can traditional Chinese medicine treat uremia? Although the process is difficult, we will try our best to help you avoid dialysis and transplant. If you want a proper treatment for your kidney problems, please leave a message below or contact with our online doctors. You can also send mails to caraliu1989@gmail.com, we will try our best to help you.

PKD, Serum Creatinine 900, Can I Take Your Treatment to Avoid Dialysis

Question: Hello, I am in France. I have high serum creatinine 900 due to my PKD. I would like to take your Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Can I avoid dialysis by this treatment?

Doctor: Hi, thanks for leaving us message and I am happy to tell we have good treatment to help you reduce your serum creatinine 900 and avoid dialysis. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of our characteristic treatments, which is commonly used to help PKD sufferers stop kidney damages, and restore some kidney function, but considering your serum creatinine 900, I suggest you take our Blood Pollution Therapy, which is much better for you.

Micro-Chinese Medicine is a Chinese herbal treatment which can repair some injured kidney damages, shrink kidney cysts, alleviate renal ischemia and renal anoxia, all of which can promote kidney health. This treatment is commonly used by PKD sufferers whose serum creatinine level is not so high. You can also be benefited by this Chinese medicine treatment, but it is far from enough if you want to avoid dialysis.

Your serum creatinine level 900 means there are high levels of toxins in your blood. These toxins not only further damage your kidneys, but also damage other parts of your body, so it is very necessary to get your blood cleansed firstly. Blood Pollution Therapy is just such a natural treatment which treats damaged kidneys by firstly treating polluted blood, so as to avoid further health issues, and then Chinese medicine treatments like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Mai Kang Mixture, Circle Therapy, Acupuncture and Medicinal Foot Bath are applied to rebuild damaged kidney structure and prevent new kidney damages from PKD. In this way we can get certain kidney function restored successfully.

Dialysis is just a medical procedure to cleanse blood, and it is not a real treatment at all. Dialysis is required because your kidneys can not function well to help you cleanse blood. When your PKD gets controlled tightly and meanwhile kidney function is improved, your high serum creatinine 900 go back to normal range gradually and at that time, dialysis is no longer needed.


How Long Can Patients Survive with Untreated Renal Failure?

In kidney failure, patients have to accept dialysis which can replace kidneys to execute renal function to sustain their life. If they refuse dialysis, their illness will be more and more serious unless they have other better treatment.

Why some patients refuse to do dialysis? Though dialysis can sustain patients’ life, it can’t cure root of disease, patients have to do dialysis 2-3 times a week in their rest of life. What’s more, the side effect lower their life quality. So many patients want to get rid of it.

Is there a better method that can replace dialysis to sustain patients’ life? As we all know, Chinese medicines which are widely used in medical area work on root of disease, they are popular because Chinese medicines which cure disease in a natural and healthy way have no any irritation or side effects for human body. Many medical apply them into study and practice, they can get great achievement. Many foreign patients come to China to try authentic Chinese therapies.

Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of TCM which is a professional hospital in treating kidney disease uses character of Chinese herbal medicines to research kidney disease. According to our concept, we formed our characteristic therapies.

Take an example. Enema Detoxification. Chinese medicines have clearing heat and removing toxicity function which can eliminate toxic substances out of human body by the exchange of intestinal mucosa through intestinal tract. It can reduce toxin such as creatinine sufficiently. The theory of this therapy is leading defecating medicine to colon and rectum by technical machine.

After the foreign patients go back to their country, our doctors give them call regularly to ask their illness condition add give them some suggestion to keep health. Our considerate service get praise by many patients. If you want to cure disease in a friendly environment thoroughly, you can contact us by email: kidneydiseasehelper@hotmail.com.

Causes and Symptoms of Kidney Cyst

A simple kidney cyst is a round pouch of smooth, thin-walled tissue or a closed pocket that is usually filled with fluid. One or more may form within the kidneys. Simple cysts are the most common type of kidney cyst. They are not the same thing as polycystic kidney disease, which is a progressive disease that can lead to kidney failure. Simple kidney cysts most often do not cause harm.

Simple Kidney Cyst Causes

The cause of simple kidney cysts is not fully understood, but they do not appear to be inherited. Being male is a risk factor, however, as is age: Almost half of all people age 50 or older have one or more simple cysts in the kidneys. The size of these cysts may also increase with age and may double over 10 years.

Simple Kidney Cyst Symptoms

Simple kidney cysts usually do not cause symptoms. In most cases, a doctor finds them during an ultrasound or computerized tomography (CT) scan done for another reason. However, simple kidney cysts may:

- Cause pain in your side, back, or upper abdomen if they enlarge and press on other organs

- Bleed

- Become infected, causing fever, chills, or other signs of infection

- Impair kidney function (rare)

Simple kidney cysts have been associated with high blood pressure, but it is unclear what the relationship is between the two.

Treatment for Kidney Cyst

Treatment may not be necessary

If your simple kidney cyst causes no signs or symptoms and doesn't interfere with your kidney function, you may not need treatment. Instead, your doctor may recommend that you have an imaging test, such as ultrasound, periodically to see whether your kidney cyst has enlarged. If your kidney cyst changes and causes signs and symptoms, you may choose to have treatment at that time. Sometimes a simple kidney cyst goes away on its own.

Treatments for cysts that cause signs and symptoms

If your simple kidney cyst is causing signs and symptoms, your doctor may recommend treatment. Options include:

Puncturing and draining the cyst, then filling it with alcohol. Rarely, to shrink the cyst, your doctor inserts a long, thin needle through your skin and through the wall of the kidney cyst. Then the fluid is drained from the cyst. Your doctor may fill the cyst with an alcohol solution to prevent it from reforming

Surgery to remove the cyst. A large or symptomatic cyst may require surgery to drain and remove it. To access the cyst, the surgeon makes several small incisions in your skin and inserts special tools and a small video camera. While watching a video monitor in the operating room, the surgeon guides the tools to the kidney and uses them to drain the fluid from the cyst. Then the walls of the cyst are cut or burned away.

Depending on the type of procedure your doctor recommends, treatment for your kidney cyst may require a brief hospital stay.

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