
Can Traditional Chinese Medicine Treat Uremia?

Can traditional Chinese medicine treat uremia? Kidney disease not only influence patient’s health, but also influence patient’s mood. Traditional Chinese medicine has a good effect on uremia. Now let us tell you something about that.

Traditional Chinese medicine could help patient improve physical fitness and immune system through the overall conditioning. Due to much toxin in uremia patient’s body, so it would damage many organs in patient’s body and reduce the immune system. All kinds of infection and low immune system are the main reasons of death in uremia patients. According to the long history of Traditional Chinese Medicine, we found it has a very precise role in regulating the body's immune system. The most important is that many Chinese medicine have two-way adjustment function which does not have any side effect during treatment. Many uremia patients usually appear the symptoms such as low appetite, vomiting, nausea and astriction, these symptoms would disappeared quickly through the traditional Chinese Medicine therapies.

Traditional Chinese Medicine could help patient protect the rest kidney function. Although uremia patients are in the end stage of renal failure, patients also have about 5% to 15% kidney function which is the most important for uremia patient because it could help patients remove the water and toxin. Some scientific research and clinical research have approved that Traditional Chinese Medicine could protect the rest kidney function.

So can traditional Chinese medicine treat uremia? Although the process is difficult, we will try our best to help you avoid dialysis and transplant. If you want a proper treatment for your kidney problems, please leave a message below or contact with our online doctors. You can also send mails to caraliu1989@gmail.com, we will try our best to help you.



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