
PKD, Serum Creatinine 900, Can I Take Your Treatment to Avoid Dialysis

Question: Hello, I am in France. I have high serum creatinine 900 due to my PKD. I would like to take your Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Can I avoid dialysis by this treatment?

Doctor: Hi, thanks for leaving us message and I am happy to tell we have good treatment to help you reduce your serum creatinine 900 and avoid dialysis. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of our characteristic treatments, which is commonly used to help PKD sufferers stop kidney damages, and restore some kidney function, but considering your serum creatinine 900, I suggest you take our Blood Pollution Therapy, which is much better for you.

Micro-Chinese Medicine is a Chinese herbal treatment which can repair some injured kidney damages, shrink kidney cysts, alleviate renal ischemia and renal anoxia, all of which can promote kidney health. This treatment is commonly used by PKD sufferers whose serum creatinine level is not so high. You can also be benefited by this Chinese medicine treatment, but it is far from enough if you want to avoid dialysis.

Your serum creatinine level 900 means there are high levels of toxins in your blood. These toxins not only further damage your kidneys, but also damage other parts of your body, so it is very necessary to get your blood cleansed firstly. Blood Pollution Therapy is just such a natural treatment which treats damaged kidneys by firstly treating polluted blood, so as to avoid further health issues, and then Chinese medicine treatments like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Mai Kang Mixture, Circle Therapy, Acupuncture and Medicinal Foot Bath are applied to rebuild damaged kidney structure and prevent new kidney damages from PKD. In this way we can get certain kidney function restored successfully.

Dialysis is just a medical procedure to cleanse blood, and it is not a real treatment at all. Dialysis is required because your kidneys can not function well to help you cleanse blood. When your PKD gets controlled tightly and meanwhile kidney function is improved, your high serum creatinine 900 go back to normal range gradually and at that time, dialysis is no longer needed.



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