
Symptoms Of Kidney Cyst

Renal cysts appear on the kidneys ranging from the size of the cysts are not connected with the general term, the early symptoms of renal cysts is not obvious, in the physical examination when patients will know that they suffer from renal cysts, if the patient wants Early to know whether they have kidney cysts, first of all we come to understand what the symptoms of renal cysts?

One, waist, abdominal discomfort or pain:

Renal cysts in patients with waist, abdominal discomfort or pain is due to kidney enlargement and expansion, so that increased renal capsule tension, kidney pedicle by pulling, or caused by the adjacent organs pressure.

In addition, the kidney polycystinations lead to kidney water content, become heavy, falling traction, can also cause pain in the waist. Pain is characterized by pain, dull pain, fixed on one side or both sides, to the lower and lower back radiation. If there is hemorrhage or secondary infection, it will cause a sudden increase in pain. Such as the merger of stones or bleeding clots blocked urinary tract, there may be renal colic.

Second, renal cyst patients in the urine routine examination will find hematuria: hematuria can be expressed as microscopic hematuria or naked eye hematuria. Attack was cyclical, seizures often increased, severe exercise, trauma, infection can be induced or aggravated. Renal cyst patients bleeding because there are many arteries below the wall, due to increased pressure or combined infection, so that the wall of blood vessels due to excessive traction and bleeding.

Third, the abdominal mass: abdominal mass is sometimes the main reason for renal cyst patients, 60% to 80% of renal cyst patients can reach the swelling of the kidney. In general, the greater the kidney, the worse the kidney function.
Four, proteinuria: generally not much, 24 hours urine will not exceed 2g, and more will not occur nephrotic syndrome.

5, high blood pressure: solid cysts oppression of the kidneys, causing renal ischemia, so that increased secretion of renin, causing high blood pressure. In the normal renal function, more than 50% of patients with hypertension, renal dysfunction, the higher the incidence of hypertension.

Six patients suffering from renal cysts after renal dysfunction, then what is the reason for this? As the cysts occupy, oppression, the normal renal tissue significantly reduced, progressive decline in renal function.

Renal cyst patients know the symptoms of renal cysts can be treated early, but also in the treatment of renal cysts at the same time care, in the life of many details of the attention will increase the disease, renal cyst patients need to pay attention to prevent the recurrence of renal cysts , To avoid the exacerbations of the disease.

Types and Symptoms of Kidney Cyst

Kidney cyst is the size of the kidneys ranging from the outside world is not connected to the cystic mass of the general term, common renal cysts can be divided into adult polycystic kidney disease, simple renal cysts and acquired renal cysts. Common symptoms of renal cysts are hypertension, renal dysfunction, kidney enlargement, proteinuria and white blood cell urine, and waist and abdomen pain discomfort

What are the types of renal cysts?

1, adult type renal cysts

Adult type renal cyst is a congenital hereditary disease, kidney parenchyma filled with countless size ranging from the outside world is not connected to the circular kidney cyst. Manifested as nocturia increased, low back pain, high blood pressure and so on. Urine examination with hematuria, a small amount of proteinuria, often slowly developed into chronic renal failure. 10% of people with kidney stones, 30% of people with polycystic liver. Experienced doctors with B ultrasound, intravenous pyelography can be diagnosed.

2, simple renal cysts

May be a congenital anomaly, is unilateral or bilateral kidney and there are one or several different sizes of the circle and the outside is not connected to the cavity, mostly unilateral, it is called simple renal cysts. The incidence rate can be arbitrarily increased and increased, more than 50 years of age to do B-ultrasound, 50% can be found in this cyst. With B ultrasound, CT can be diagnosed.

3, acquired renal cysts

Mainly due to uremia or dialysis after treatment occurred. Has nothing to do with age, but with the time of hemodialysis. The kidneys had no renal cysts, according to the literature, dialysis time more than 3 years, most patients will appear cysts. It is a kidney at least four cysts, some cysts can occur infection, and even cancer, B ultrasound or CT examination can be diagnosed.

What are the common symptoms of renal cysts?

1, high blood pressure: the disease is the early common performance, and a direct impact on prognosis. According to reports, no azotemia patients nearly 60% of hypertensive patients; normal renal function in patients with hypertension when the kidney was significantly greater than normal blood pressure.

2, renal dysfunction: 30 years of age rarely occurs before chronic renal failure, to 59 years old when about half of the patients have lost renal function and the need for alternative treatment.

3, kidney enlargement: can be greater than normal 5-6 times, both sides may have significant differences. Early renal enlargement imaging examination can be found in severe abdominal palpation can be found.

4, proteinuria and white blood cells: 20 to 40 years old patients 20% to 40% have mild persistent proteinuria, 24 hours urine protein quantification generally below 1g. White blood cells more common, but not necessarily urinary tract infection.

5, waist and abdomen discomfort, pain: This is the kidney and cysts increased, increased renal capsule tension or traction renal pedicle caused by vascular nerves. Suddenly exacerbated pain often intracapsular hemorrhage or secondary infection, combined with stones or bleeding clots blocked after ureter can cause renal colic.

Diet Suggestions for Kidney Cyst Patients

Renal cyst is a more common kidney disease, although compared with some kidney disease less harmful, but its damage to the body can not be ignored, so after suffering from this disease must be early check and treatment. In addition to drug treatment, renal cyst patients usually have to pay attention to diet, to maintain a good eating habits. Here with the Xiaobian to see how the daily diet of patients with renal cysts as well.

(Including pepper, alcohol, shrimp, crab, etc.), contaminated do not eat (including rotten deterioration, leftovers and so on, etc.), to eat salty (including pickled) ), Barbecue do not eat, and renal insufficiency or uremia should also pay attention to beans and their products do not eat, limit the animal high protein food, greasy food.

2, water intake: a variety of kidney disease due to different causes of disease, different course, treatment is not the same. In mild renal failure, due to decreased renal function, the body of metabolites need more water from the kidneys to discharge, so kidney disease without obvious edema, heart failure, high blood pressure, should not blindly limit water. Special reminders are those patients with chronic renal failure, do not think that kidney failure must be strictly limited moisture, if too much water can easily increase the deterioration of renal function.

3, salt intake: control of salt, according to the patient's condition and renal function to adjust, not all of the patients with chronic renal insufficiency should be strictly limited salt.

4, pay attention to rest: to avoid severe physical activity and abdominal trauma, kidney swelling should be more obvious when the strap instead of the belt, so as not to cause cyst rupture; generally half a year review (including blood pressure, urine, renal function and B ultrasound); avoid everything Nephrotoxic drugs; relatives (parents, brothers and sisters and children) for B-ultrasound.
5, talk about nutrition kidney cysts should be eaten with high quality protein food, pay attention to high fiber, high vitamin food supplement and low fat, appropriate sugar diet.

6, not a partial eclipse, whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, cattle, sheep, pig lean meat, eggs, milk, fish and other edible.

Above is the daily diet of patients with renal cysts, I believe we have a certain diet of the disease have a certain understanding. In addition to the daily diet, the patient friends should also develop a good living habits, to develop a regular exercise habits.

The best Kidney doctor is yourself ! Do 3 things to avoid uremia

Many Kidney disease patients know their conditions , the hospital puts itself in the hands of the doctor , to treat a doctor as someone who decides his or her life , if it deteriorates into a uremia , id to blame the doctor for not walking . In fact , every patient should take the initiative to participate in the management of Kidney disease , which is the key factor to determine the condition . Do you know how Kidney disease can save itself and keep it away from uremia ?

Medications are administered

①Familiar with side effects of drugs , drugs can not mess.

②Kidney disease patients must understand “three drug”, understand the side effects of drugs on the drug is not to increase the sense of fear , but rather the correct use of drugs , such as eating hormone , it must be understood that hormone may cause infection , appearance change , insomnia and other side effects . Each kind of disease can speak of an antidote against can speak of an antidote against the disease . Do not eat the medicine to eat , have doubts on the medication , must first consult the nephrologist after use .

The management of indicators

①Blood pressure , blood sugar , blood lipid

Blood pressure can usually be measured at home , blood sugar , blood lipids , it is best to check 1 times a year , keep within the required range.

②Protein in urine

According to the severity of the illness , 1-3 months of follow-up , to maintain 1g/days , 0.5g/days is best .


Anemia is one of the complications of renal disease , patients should pay attention to anemia indicators and prevent anemia .

④Kidney function

In 3 month s or so the charges in creatinine are stable . Both kidney disease and uremic factors are very important , so patients with Kidney disease must pay attention .

Life management


Kidney disease patients if appropriate exercise can not only enhance the ability to resist disease , maintain good mood , can also help to increase food intake , malnutrition , lack of protein induced muscle atrophy , there will be some improvement , low intensity exercise has a protective effect on the Kidney . Exercise can choose walking , jogging , Tai Chi and so on .


In the absence of swelling and hypertension complications , the patient’s daily intake of salt was controlled at 4 grams , if there were any of these complications , the amount of salt should be controlled to be 2~3 grams .
 Excessive intake of protein can increase the burden on the kidneys . Patients should take high quality proteins , such as mike , eggs , lean meat and so on . Hyperkalemia is one of the common complications of renal failure . Severe cases may result in cardiac arrest and so must be very vigilant . In order to prevent hyperkalemia , the daily intake of potassium should not exceed 2 grams and be careful to eat high potassium foods .


Kidney disease does not mean that the terminally ill , with no need to be overly pessimistic , must recognize that part of the disease is life , it is necessary to learn to accept it and optimistic attitude and actively cooperate with medical treatment , as a result , the control of the illness can also help .

The life of a nephrotic patient -constipation

“What methods are tried , since two years ago had chronic nephritis , constipation is worse now , the stool for several days at a time and pull out is one of the sheep dung , listening to friends that will make the constipation creatinine increased , the supposed ?”this has been the old father the trouble.

What is the cause of this ?

In fact , the main causes of kidney disease in patients with constipation can be divided into three kinds : 1.due to water intake restrictions , which led to the smooth defecation 2.for long-term dialysis and tired , and side effects of daily activity 3.side effects of certain medications .

While the majority of kidney disease patients often have constipation . If the feces stay too long , easy to cause the blood potassium ion in water is too high and not easy to discharge . In addition , usually if patients with defecation is not easy to hard , this often caused by high blood pressure , fatigue and effect appetite .

Here are some small ways to improve constipation .

1.Eat more fresh vegetable and fruit , increase the intake of fiber , but must be chosen to avoid vegetable and fruit , phosphorus , potassium is higher , such as :fog , papaya , persimmon , water , lemon , grape , cherry and so on .
2.Avoid food that is too spicy and too oily .

3.Take the medicine prescribed by the doctor at regular intervals and use the correct dosage .

4.When the time is right or the toilet is convenient , you should go to the toilet immediately and don’t bear it .

5.Maintain regular and proper amount of exercise , exercise can not only promote immunity , but also reduce the incidence of common complications such as high blood pressure and dialysis . In addition , it can also increase peristalsis .


What are the reasons for elevated blood creatinine?

Any condition that impairs the function of the kidneys is likely to raise the creatinine level in the blood. It is important to recognize whether the process leading to kidney dysfunction (kidney failure, azotemia) is longstanding or recent. Recent elevations may be more easily treated and reversed.

The most common causes of longstanding (chronic) kidney disease in adults are

high blood pressure and


Other causes of elevated blood creatinine levels are:

- Certain drugs (for example,cimetidine [Bactrim]) can sometimes cause abnormally elevated creatinine levels.

- Serum creatinine can also transiently increase after ingestion of a large amount of dietary meat; thus,nutrition can sometimes play a role in creatinine measurement.

- Kidney infections,rhabdomyolysis (abnormal muscle breakdown) and urinary tract obstruction may also elevate creatinine levels.

Anemia and chronic kidney disease

What is anemia? 

Anemia happens when your body is not making enough red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen to all the cells in the body. The body's cells use oxygen to change the glucose we get from food into energy. Fewer red blood cells means less oxygen is sent to the cells. Without enough oxygen, your tissues and organs have less energy to perform their jobs.

Symptoms of anemia can include the following:

- Feeling weak
- Feeling tired or fatigued
- Shortness of breath
- Dizziness
- Rapid heartbeat
- Pale skin and gums
- Inability to think clearly

Untreated anemia can affect major organs like your heart and brain. Blood tests such as a complete blood count (CBC), hemoglobin test (Hb) and hematocrit test (Hct) can determine if you have anemia.

What causes anemia?

The most common causes of anemia are:

- loss of blood through surgery, accidents and other causes
- conditions such as chronic kidney disease, liver disease, cancer, HIV/AIDS
not enough iron, vitamin B12 or folic acid
- a poor diet
- diseases that destroy red blood cells, such as sickle cell anemia

CKD and anemia

So why is anemia a common problem for people with chronic kidney disease? Because renal disease can cause low levels of erythropoietin and/or iron in the body.
Healthy kidneys produce a hormone called erythropoietin, or epo for short. When the body senses low oxygen levels, it tells the kidneys to release epo. This hormone tells your bone marrow to make more red blood cells. More red blood cells in the bloodstream mean more oxygen can be transported. However, if the kidneys are damaged, they may make little or no epo.

Iron is a mineral found in protein-rich foods that helps make hemoglobin, the protein in the red blood cell that carries oxygen. A major source of iron is red meat. Because patients in the early stages of kidney disease are advised to reduce the amount of protein they eat, they may not be getting adequate amounts of iron from their diet.

The buildup of waste in the bloodstream can also affect red blood cells. Healthy kidneys filter toxins from the bloodstream but kidneys affected with chronic kidney disease are unable to filter as well as they should. Because the body is unable to get rid of this waste, it remains in the bloodstream where it can shorten the lifespan of the existing red blood cells.

Anemia can develop in the early stages of kidney disease and get worse as renal disease progresses. Nearly all patients in end stage renal disease (the point where dialysis becomes necessary) have anemia.

How is anemia treated in CKD patients?

Depending on the cause of your anemia (low epo levels, low iron levels or a combination of both), your doctor will prescribe medication or supplements, including EPOGEN or Procrit, which will add to the amount of erythropoietin your body makes naturally. Your doctor may also have you take iron supplements, especially if you're taking EPOGEN or Procrit, for them to work effectively.
If you're not getting enough iron, your doctor will refer you to a renal dietitian. Together, you will work on a meal plan that will include kidney-friendly foods rich in iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid.

Your kidney doctor will monitor your condition and make any changes to your treatment plan as necessary. Discuss any concerns or questions you have with your doctor and your renal dietitian before taking over-the-counter iron tablets, multi-mineral or B vitamins or making any changes to your eating plan.

Long-Term Effects of Diabetes Type One

Diabetes, whether type 1 or type 2, can contribute to the development of several serious long-term health problems. People with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) no longer make insulin, a hormone necessary to move glucose, or sugar, from the blood into the body cells to be used or stored as energy. Insulin is necessary to sustain life, so people with T1DM require replacement insulin to manage blood sugar levels. Over time, if blood sugar levels run too high, damage to blood vessels and nerves can occur, and this can cause health problems such as heart and blood vessel disease, kidney disease, nerve damage, eye disease and an increased risk of amputation. However, if blood sugars are kept to near-normal levels, these health problems can be minimized or prevented.

Cardiovascular Disease
According to an October 2013 review published in “Cardiovascular Diabetology," the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in T1DM is 2 to 3 times higher in men and 3 to 5 times higher in women compared to people without diabetes. CVD, the leading cause of death in adults with T1DM, affects the large blood vessels that transport blood throughout the body, including to the heart, arms, legs and brain. Over time, high blood sugars can contribute to an impaired or blocked blood supply to the heart or brain, increasing the risk of heart attack or stroke. Poor blood flow may also lead to slower healing of wounds and serious infections in the limbs -- which in some cases may require amputation of the affected toes, feet or legs.

Nerve Damage
High blood sugars contribute to the development of neuropathy, or nerve damage. An article published in the October 2008 issue of “Pharmacology & Therapeutics” reports that more than half of those with longstanding diabetes have some type of neuropathy. Diabetes peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is a common type affecting the nerves of the arms, hands, legs and feet. While DPN can lead to pain that is especially bad at night, this nerve damage often causes a loss of sensation to the feet, creating a situation where infections or sores may go unnoticed. If poor blood flow is also a factor, infections can quickly turn serious, increasing the risk of amputation. Diabetes autonomic neuropathy is another type that can affect nerves that control body functions, causing symptoms such as decreased heart rate, the inability to recognize low blood sugar levels, abnormal sweating, slow digestion, erectile dysfunction and frequent bladder infections.

Kidney Disease
The kidneys filter the blood and eliminate the blood's waste products through the urine. Over time, high blood sugar levels can damage the tiny blood vessels in the kidneys, affecting how well these filters work and putting people with T1DM at a greater risk of developing chronic kidney disease (CKD). According to a November 2011 article published in the “Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology," 35 percent of adults who have diabetes also have CKD. Diabetic kidney disease develops slowly over time and the early stages have no symptoms. Symptoms may only be present when kidney damage is severe, as a result of waste products building up in the blood. Early detection via urine protein tests is an important step in reducing the progression to kidney failure -- which requires dialysis or kidney transplantation.

Eye Disease
Although all forms of diabetic eye disease have the potential to cause severe vision loss and blindness, the most common cause of vision loss is diabetic retinopathy (DR). A study in the April 2005 issue of "JAMA Ophthalmology" reported that approximately 86 percent of adults diagnosed with with T1DM before age 30 had some form of retinopathy, and 42 percent had a vision-threatening form. High blood sugar levels cause damage to the retina. In DR, the tiny blood vessels in the retina leak fluid or blood into the surrounding tissue. Over time, this impairs the supply of blood to the retina and new -- but weaker -- blood vessels grow. These changes can progress to vision loss. Diabetic eye disease also includes the formation of cataracts, which cloud the eye’s lenses, and glaucoma, which results from damage to the eye’s optic nerves.

Available data shows the long-term health problems related to T1DM are all too common. However, over the past few decades, better care and treatment strategies have been in place, which may reduce the percentage of people with T1DM impacted by these complications. The results of a landmark study completed in 1993 -- the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) -- dramatically changed the management of T1DM. The DCCT was the first research trial to confirm that controlling blood sugar to near-normal levels can prevent or reduce the risk of long-term complications in people with T1DM. DCCT data showed that this tight blood sugar control reduced the risk of eye disease by 76 percent, kidney disease by 50 percent and nerve disease by 60 percent. Its follow-up trial, the Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications study, outlined that good blood sugar control reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease by 42 percent, and decreased the risk of heart attack, stroke or death from CVD by 57 percent.

Precautions and Next Steps
The long-term complications of diabetes can be prevented or minimized by strict control of blood sugar. This involves diligent self care -- testing blood sugar several times daily, frequent daily insulin injections or insulin delivery by an external insulin pump, and adjusting insulin based on diet and physical activity levels. When attempting to achieve near-normal blood sugar levels, diabetics must take care to avoid the most common risk of intensive control -- frequent and severe low blood sugar levels. Regular communication and follow-up with a diabetes health-care team is important. In addition to a primary care doctor, this team will include specialty physicians such as an endocrinologist or diabetologist, and certified diabetes educators, including nurses, dietitians and pharmacists. Those with T1DM should also contact their doctors with any signs or symptoms related to long-term complications.

What Are the Benefits of Okra for People With Diabetes?

Diabetes is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. Diabetes contributes to the development of deadly conditions like cardiovascular disease and end-stage renal disease. Consuming a healthy diet can help those who have type 1 and 2 diabetes control their blood sugar, and help reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. There are a number of diabetes-related benefits of adding okra to your healthy eating plan.

Glycemic Index

The glycemix index (GI) is a measurement of how quickly carbohydrates in foods turns to sugar in your blood. Regularly consuming low GI foods like okra can help even out roller coaster blood sugar levels and aid in weight control. Okra has a GI below 20, which is considered a "low GI" food.

Kidney Disease

Almost half of all cases of kidney disease are the result of diabetes. Keeping your blood sugar within a healthy range, treating high blood pressure and maintaining a normal body weight can reduce your risk of kidney disease. Additionally, regularly consuming okra can keep kidney disease at bay, according to study results published in the October 2005 "Jilin Medical Journal." In this study of diabetics, those who ate okra daily reduced clinical signs of kidney damage more than those that simply ate a diabetic diet.

Soluble Fiber

Nearly 50 percent of the fiber found in okra is in the form of soluble fiber. This type of fiber slows digestion, delaying and reducing the impact of carbohydrate-rich foods on blood sugar levels. Eating at least 25 g of fiber per day can help reduce high blood sugar levels. Soluble fiber may also keep your appetite under control, making weight loss easier.

Heart Disease

People with diabetes have a higher risk for heart disease than those that don't. Diabetics who regularly consume vegetables in general, including okra, reduce their heart disease risk, according to study results found in the April 2008 "Journal of Nutrition." In this study, type 2 diabetics who ate vegetables had a 10 percent lower heart disease risk when compared to those who seldom ate vegetables.

The advantages and disadvantages of dialysis

Dialysis not only can eliminate toxins from the patient's body, but also make patients dependent on it. Patients could have the appearances of oliguria, no urine or dialysis imbalance syndrome. Simple blood dialysis is inadequate. It can only eliminate toxins from the small molecules, but some macromolecule toxins. Foreign western medicine therapy is very difficult to have the effect like our hospital bed dialysis therapy.
Our hospital is characterized by the elimination of renal blood toxins within the human body. Therefore, our hospital treatment is also known as detoxification therapy.

After clinical practice in our hospital, in the period of treatment for the same patient, firstly clean the blood and then use the treatment of kidney disease, and not to clean the blood but direct use of therapeutic drugs, the effect is quite different. The reason is: the patient's blood if the accumulation of a large number of toxins will greatly offset the effect of the treatment. Therefore, the purpose of our hospital in treating kidney disease is clearing the blood.

Our hospital treatment for kidney disease, the second major feature is the use of traditional Chinese medicine to restore the inherent function of kidney cells. The method is to give full play of traditional Chinese medicine in removing kidney inherent endotoxin, but also make full use of traditional Chinese medicine in cleaning the blood toxins, to achieve the purpose of cleaning the kidney toxins. Cleaning the cells and exotoxin, is not only to create a nurturing environment for the recovery of renal function, but also making a good bedding for therapeutic medication.

The third characteristic of our treatment for kidney disease is accurate diagnosis, that is getting definite diagnosis firstly, then medication can be used with the rule of no medicine without clear diagnosis.

The accurate diagnosis includes:

①the localization diagnosis on renal structure and function; ②the cell biological topical diagnosis on cell and cell subset; ③ the biochemical localization diagnosis on toxin of blood and cell.

At present, there are more than 20 special inspection techniques on nephropathy ahead of other hospitals.

If you still have questions, you could consult our online doctors or leave us a message!


How to Lower Phosphorus Food in Kidney Disease Diet

Healthy kidneys help regulate the phosphorus levels and other particles levels in your body, by removing the excessive minerals. Treatments, such as dialysis, helps filter the extra phosphorus, but it doesn’t remove all of it. This is why a lowering phosphorus foods guidance is established here.

Why you need to take low phosphorus foods?

Medical therapy cannot remove the extra phosphorus thoroughly, you need manage how much of it goes in your body. With low phosphorus foods replacing those that rich in it, your damaged kidneys will not wear out.

Try to Avoid the following high-phosphorus food

- Uncooked macaroni and Cheese from box
- Soft serve vanilla frozen yogurt
- Cheddar cheese
- Fast good, pepperoni topping, regular crust, pizza chain
- Smooth-style peanut butter with salt
- Dry-roasted mixed nuts with peanuts, with salt added
- Mr. Goodbar chocolate bar
- Caffeinated dar cola
- Caramel custard or flan, prepared from recipe
- Vanilla ice cream
- Cooked long-grain brown rice
- Bran flake
- Instant oatmeal with raisins, dates, and walnuts, prepared with water
- Canned baked beans with no salt added or canned red kidney bean
Considering Taking these low-phosphorus food
- Cooked long-grain white rice
- Low-sodium corn flake
- Instant Cream of Wheat without salt or cup instant grits without salt, prepared with water
- Canned green beans, drained, with no salt added
- Jelly beans
- Pretzels with salt
- Noncaffeinated clear soda or root bee
- JELL-O with 2 tbsp pressurized whipped-cream toppin
- Orange sherbe
- Ready-to-eat rice pudding
- Enriched spaghetti cooked with salt, margarine, garlic powder, dry basil flakes
- Orange sherbet
- French bread with part-skim, low-moisture mozzarella cheese melted on top
- Regular cream cheese
- Jam or honey

Is Banana Bad For Patient With Elevated Creatinine In Blood ?

Banana is a common and delicious fruit in our life, so it is loved by most people. While elevated creatinine often indicates severe kidney damage, and is it bad for patient with elevated creatinine to eat banana?

Why patient with elevated creatinine should be careful in eating banana?

Kidney has the function of regulating our internal balance, and it can also regulate the balance of electrolytes in our blood. While when patient’s kidney is damaged, this function will also be damaged, so it is very likely for patient to have the imbalance of electrolytes, which can cause many disorders to patient’s body.

In fact, the disorder of potassium in patient’s body can cause many severe problems, while there is abundant potassium in banana. What’s more, patient with high creatinine is very likely to have high potassium in his blood, so eating banana is more likely to aggravate patient’s condition.

Is banana totally bad for patient with kidney disease?

in fact, banana is not totally bad for patient with high creatinine, because as a common fruit, it can also take many benefits to our body.

1.Decreasing high pressure: a major benefit that banana can take to us is it can help decrease high blood pressure. In fact, potassium has the effect of inhibiting sodium, and much sodium can cause hypertension, so banana also has the function of decreasing high blood pressure. While for patients who have PKD, they can have hypertension when they are in the early stage. So it is beneficial for them to eat banana.

2. Promoting digestion: banana contains abundant pectin, which can promote patient’s digestion, and that can help regulate patient’s gastrointestinal function.
Thereby, if patient should take banana is decided by patient’s own condition. And it is necessary for patient to consult his doctor’s advice in advance if patient is going to take banana into his eating plan.

Treatment of Recurrent CKD After Kidney Transplantation

Kidney Transplantation is the last choice for many patients with chronic Kidney Disease. However, a large number of patients suffer from the recurrent CKD after kidney transplantation.

Why Recurrent CKD happens after Kidney Transplant?

Most patients with CKD usually only think it is the kidney damage which affects their life. However, it is only a part of the fact. Yes, the kidney damage causes many other organs damaged, causing various symptoms and complications, such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, liver failure etc. However, kidney damage is far away from the underlying cause.

Actually, more than 95% kidney diseases is caused by immune disorder. In normal condition, each of us have a group of natural immune system. It works to protect our health by releasing antibodies to kill the bacteria outside.

However, in people with immune disorder, the immune system fails to release enough or functional antibodies. As a result, the antibodies form into a new material called immune complex with the bacteria.

The immune complex is harmful for people and it can flow into any where of the body with the carriage of blood. Once it deposits in the kidneys, it will cause inflammations here, causing kidney damages. Thereby, we say if you only aims to reverse the kidney damage with Kidney Transplant or other treatments, CKD is more likely to come back sooner or later.

How to prevent recurrent CKD after Kidney Transplant?

As mentioned above, only dealing with the kidney damage, such as Kidney Transplant, is not enough to prevent the relapse of CKD. To deal with the immune disorder will be another key.

Immunotherapy is suggested for it helps rebuild the immune system and use the immune system to prevent the deposition of immune complex in the kidneys. In this way, the kidney damage relapse will be reversed from the root.


Learn More About Hematuria

What is hematuria?

Hematuria refers to the presence of red blood cells in urine. It includes two types: gross hematuria and microscopic hematuria. Blood can be seen with naked eyes in gross hematuria. Blood t6hat cannot be seen in urine, except when examined with a microscope, is called microscopic hematuria.

What are the symptoms of hematuria?

Usually, most people with microscopic hematuria do not develop symptoms. In gross hematuria, as there is a large amount of red blood cells in urine, it can cause urine to become pink, red or cola-colored. Also, if blood clots occur in gross hematuria, it may lead to pain.

What are the causes of hematuria?

Hematuria can be attributable to various kinds of causes. It can be caused by menstruation, intense exercise, trauma, infection, sexual activity. Meanwhile, hematuria may be due to the following serious conditions.

1. Inflammation of kidneys is a common cause of hematuria. It can impair the filters in kidneys leading to red blood cells in urine.

2. Inflammation of the urethra, bladder or prostate

3. Kidney or bladder cancer

4. Polycystic kidney disease— it is a genetic disorder featured with numerous cysts growing in both kidneys. As they grow bigger over age, the growing cysts can compress the adjacent kidney tissues, leading to hematuria

5. Blood clots and blood clotting disorders, such as hemophilia

Moxibustion Treatment for Kidney Disease in China

Moxibustion is a technique of Traditional Chinese Medicine which uses a small bundle of tightly burning bound herbs or moxa to the targeted acupoints. Sometimes, it is used along with acupuncture.

As mentioned above, moxibustion is related to burning moxa--a kind of Chinese herbs. And moxibustion has two forms--Direct and Indirect applying.

Direct applying involves acupuncture, which is used earlier than indirect one. Direct moxibustion was most often burned on the acupuncture point, wich the moxa cone placed directly on the skin.

However, it is a very possible pain-and-scarring maker. This type of moxibustion is further categorized into two types--scarring and non-scarring. In non-scaring one, the moxa is placed on the point and lit, but is removed before it burns the skin.The patient will experience a pleasant heating sensation that penetrates deep into the skin, but should not experience any pain, blistering or scarring unless the moxa is left in place for too long.

In the scarring one, the moxa is placed on a point, ignited, and allowed to remain onto the point until it burns out completely. And this form may cause some blister in the local skin after healing.

Indirect moxibustion is a method which uses either burning moxa above the skin or on top of an acupuncture needle that has been left in place. In this form, people rarely get any hurt from the treatment.

Most kidney disease are chronic conditions, functional disorders. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, most of Chronic disease patients have a cold or stagnant constitution.Even some patients who appear to be manifesting heat, really have underlying chronic cold in their system which creates the heat-syndrome-like symptoms as their body tries to balance.

The burning of moxa is believed to expel cold and warm the meridians, which leads to smoother flow of blood and qi. When it is used in kidney disease patients, it can largely help improve patient's immunity and clear a better internal environment for the damaged tissue to self-cure and get kidney function improved.

Besides alleviation on kidneys, additional effects on some other symptoms, such as high blood pressure, fatigue, pain, low immunity, bad mood can be found in moxibustion.


is dialysis a must for CKD patients with only 16% kidney function working

When kidney working only 16%, is dialysis a must for CKD patients? Generally speaking, whether a CKD patients should do dialysis or not depends on so many factors like the kidney function as well as the complications. If you do not want to experience it, you should improve the renal function timely.

In the situation of CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease), the kidney is damaged by high blood pressure, diabetes, infection or other factors bit by bit for many years. So that, the kidney can not adequately hold its function to filter the blood, adjust the blood volume and maintain the balance of electrolyte, etc. And thus the patients will suffer from edema, hypertension, blood urine and other symptoms while more and more toxins and waste products are assembled in the body.

For this case, the patients need to take Toxin-Removing Therapy to help the patients get rid of all these harmful matters.

Toxin-Removing Therapy, a joint name of a series of naturaltreatments, is able to alleviate the symptoms, protect the kidney and promote the kidney to begin to recover with less side effects. It is considered as a basis of the whole treatment to CKD. Besides, the patients still need to eat the healthy foods and live a rhythmic life to slow down the process of CKD.

In the meanwhile, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Hot Compress Therapy, Moxibustion Therapy, Immunotherapy or other Chinese medicines is needed to achieve the influences of anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, dilation of blood vessels and degradation of extercellular matrix naturally so as to offer enough blood, oxygen, nutrients to the kidney. And thus, the kidney will be repaired gradually and safely.

When the kidney is restored, the kidney function will be increased and the patients can live a better life. Also, dialysis or kidney transplant can be avoided.

If you have any problem of treatments to CKD, please leave a message below or send your illness conditions to us. We will try our best to help you.

E-mail: caraliu1989@gmail.com

Whatsapp / Viber / Wechat: +8613633219293

What is the cause of chronic renal failure? What are the symptoms of chronic renal failure?

First, the cause

Chronic renal failure is extremely extensive, almost all the development of kidney disease can lead to deterioration of chronic renal failure. Acute renal failure without cure, a short period of time there is no death can also be a direct transition to chronic renal failure. The common reasons are described below:

1. Chronic glomerulonephritis progression to the late stage is the most common cause of chronic renal failure.

2. Interstitial nephritis (Interstitial Nephritis) is a group of mainly involving the renal interstitial and renal tubular disease, also known as tubulointerstitial nephropathy (Tubulo-Interstitia Nephropa-thy). Its complex causes, is a common clinical disease, accounting for Urinary system diseases of 25% to 33%, living in the second place of chronic renal failure.

(1) infection: bacteria, viruses, mold, malaria parasite and other invasion of renal interstitial and renal tubules, which represent diseases such as chronic pyelonephritis. Malignant hernia and so on.

(2) immune damage: common drug allergy such as penicillin, sulfonamides, autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, dermatomyositis involving the kidney.

(3) Toxic substances such as aminoglycoside antibiotics, contrast agents damage the kidneys, heavy metal salts such as mercury, lead, arsenic, gold and other damage to the kidneys.

(4) renal blood supply disorders: such as renal arteriosclerosis, renal artery stenosis and so on.

(5) metabolic abnormalities: such as hyperuricemia, hypercalcemia, long-term hypokalemia and so on.

(6) physical factors: long-term exposure to X-ray, malignant radiotherapy and other radiotherapy.

(7) urinary tract obstruction: obstruction caused by bladder, ureteral reflux to the renal pelvis, ureteral pressure increased renal interstitial, such as infection is more aggravated condition.

(8) tumor direct infiltration of renal interstitial: such as leukemia, lymphoma, cancer cell metastasis caused by renal interstitial damage.

(9) hereditary diseases: such as polycystic kidney disease, renal cysts.

(10) Balkan nephritis: belong to the cause of unknown renal interstitial disease, mainly in southern Europe.

3. Hypertensive atherosclerosis at this time first damage the renal tubules and then damage the glomerular, and glomerulonephritis first damage the glomerular and then damage the renal tubular different.

4. Secondary to metabolic diseases such as diabetes, gout kidney, amyloidosis and so on.


Top 5 Diet Suggestions for Kidney Disease Patients

For kidney disease patients, diet plays an important role. A well planed diet can help reduce kidney burden and prevent further damage of kidneys. Here are the top 5 diet suggestions for kidney disease patients. If you want get your own diet chart for your kidney disease, you can also send e-mail to caraliu1989@gmail.com, or contact whatsapp +8613633219293.

Low protein diet: daily protein intake to 0.6 ~ 1g / kg body weight is appropriate, it is recommended daily intake of 2 to 4 two meat, the rest of the protein from rice and its products, vegetables, fruit supply. Try to avoid eating red beans, green beans and other beans, gluten, roasted gluten and other gluten products and nuts. In limiting the protein at the same time, must be with enough heat in order to maintain a good nutritional status. Can choose low protein content and high calorie foods to add, such as honey, olive oil, etc., so as to avoid the lack of heat, causing the body tissue protein decomposition, increase the production of nitrogenous waste.

Low-potassium diet:
avoid eating kiwi fruit, tomatoes, bananas, orange and other high potassium fruit, eat seaweed, edible fungus, spinach, amaranth. Do not eat broth bibimbap. Drink less coffee, tea, sports drinks, boiled water, mineral water is the best choice.

Low sodium diet:
if edema, hypertension or congestive heart disease, with a limited sodium diet. Do not eat pickled smoked food, brine food, canned, available sugar, vinegar, spices, onions, ginger, garlic and other flavors, increase the palatability of food.

Low-phosphorus diet:
For renal insufficiency, early appropriate limit of phosphorus intake, can delay the decline of renal function. Such as eating dairy products, beans, brown rice, animal offal, beverages, egg yolk and other phosphorus-containing food. Can choose fresh meat products, drink less bone soup.

Control of water:
in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease if oliguria, the daily intake of water to be the day before the urine plus 500 to 700 ml for the upper limit, if vomiting, diarrhea or drainage, should also be recorded with the amount of discharge. Or to change the daily weight of not more than 0.5 kg, not the principle of edema.

Above are the top 5 diet suggestions for kidney disease patients. We hope all the kidney disease patients can get a better life span with proper diet and treatment.

Symptoms Before You Get Kidney Failure

Kidney failure, or renal failure, is a severe condition that kidneys have been damaged with low kidney function. In fact, people can get some symptoms before kidney failure. Once they get early notice, they can take prompt treatment to prevent the development of kidney disease. Let's learn the symptoms before getting kidney failure.

1, urine changes

Normal daily urination 1,000 to 2,000 ml, an average of 1,500 ml, whether it is more or less urine output, may be the performance of kidney disease. If you find the night to rise several times, and before going to bed to drink water is not much, but also to guard against kidney disease.

2, urine color change

Normal urine is transparent yellow light, if less water or early morning urination, the color is slightly deeper. If the urine redness, or urine foam, pay attention to the Department of renal medicine examination.

3, edema

Kidney is the body's body of water metabolism, kidney is not good, the water will accumulate. Some people in the morning to find eyelid edema, or feet, legs swollen, have to consider the kidney problem.

4, nausea, vomiting and other gastrointestinal symptoms

Kidney disease development to the end of the period, will affect the gastrointestinal function, leading to nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and other symptoms, so with these performances, in addition to see the Department of Gastroenterology, but also pay attention to exclude kidney disease.

5, skin itching

End of the kidney disease, due to the body of urea can not be discharged through the urine, will be excreted through the skin, thereby stimulating the skin; In addition, the accumulation of toxins in the body will lead to peripheral neuropathy, can cause skin itching.

Above are the symptoms before you get kidney failure, so you need to pay attention, and take prompt treatment to stop the development of disease. Then you can get a better prognosis. If you want to learn more, you can send e-mail to caraliu1989@gmail.com, or you can also contact with whatsapp +8613633219293.


Are nephrotic patients afraided of developing into uremia? Pay attention to these three points will not be.

Kidney disease awareness rate is only 1/10, which means that 90% of the patients do not know they are suffering from kidney disease. However, most of them are living very good. On the contrary, people who know they are suffering from kidney disease often feel alarmed. This thing seems to be wrong.

When contracting with more patients, they will understand that the patients who do not know their condition are the same as normal people. However, these patients may enter into kidney failure or uremia more quickly due to long-term inattention . But even so, patients always feel alarmed are excessive.

Although you have kidney disease, the body and kidney are both powerful. It’s powerful reflected in whenever you have a problem, your body will always give you a warm hint to make you do preparation in advance.

There are always people who scare someone with very low probability of things. I believe that things are true, but it is not everyone should worry about it. In fact, people with kidney disease only should pay attention to the following three points in daily life.


All the urine are discharged from the kidney. Therefore, no matter what kidney changes, urine will give a clue to it. So the inflammation of patients as long as pay close attention to the daily urine changes, disease generally does not increase sharply.

When there is no change in urine, the patients with kidney disease can do some exercise with the right amount, which can effectively improve the patient’s immunity.

2. Blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, uric acid

The kidney is a large capillary mass, and it must be different from the usual large arteries when blood flows through the kidneys

If kidney have problems, blood circulation changes, in order to maintain the body needs, blood pressure will increases. Therefore, patients with high blood pressure should pay attention to your kidney. In addition, the kidney excretion ability decreases and uric acid platoon does not go out also will rise; Blood sugar will cause blood viscosity, the blood through the capillary is also a problem. So patients with increased creatinine will not have big problems as long as they pay attention to these indicators.

3. Infection

The immune function of the patient is relatively low throughout the disease, some of which are hormones and immunosuppressants, and the other is the condition itself.
So try to add a layer of protection for himself, just like ordinary people prevent cold fever. As long as patients do not go to the crowd of people drilling, no special move, they usually don’t have problems.

How to prevent the kidney disease’s recidivation ? There are three disciplines and eight items of attention that need to be remember.

Kidney disease patients are most concerned about two matters:

1) How to reduce creatinine level? 2) How to make index do not rise again?
Each patient’s treatment is different which depends on patient’s choice of hospital. However how to prevent the disease repeated after treatment, it nothing less than the following “three disciplines, eight items of attention.

Three Disciplines

1. Not Indiscriminate Use of Drugs

Whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine, both of them have some poisons. Most of drugs need to go through renal metabolism. If the drugs is too toxin to eat, it will not only cannot protect your kidney but also stimulus kidney and causes recidivation. When you can not certain whether the drugs you are taking have any risks, it is best to consult a professional kidney physician. Please do not trust the so-called secret recipe.

2. Don’t Reduce Drugs or Stop Drugs without Permission

Many patients who take hormones find that index turns negative will reduce or stop drugs. The result is his condition recividation. Therefore, patient can not stop drugs without doctor’s permission. In addition to hormones, there are also some other drugs, such as perindopril and losartan antihypertensive drugs. Many patients need to continue take these drugs even if the proteinuria relief. Because it can help stable urine protein and protect renal function.
3. Laboratory and Review in Time
Kidney disease is a silent killer, so don’t use the urine bubble to measure proteinuria and don’t use the soreness of waist to measure renal function. Because these symptoms are not reliable. After kidney condition is stable, patients can check again three months or so. The examination includes these index: uric routine, serum creatinine, uric albumen quantitative and blood pressure.

Eight Items of Attention

1、Reasonable diet

Patients with kidney disease require different nutrient component in different periods. For example, patients need to add more protein in the early stage, but the latter in order not to affect the renal function is to reduce the intake of protein. In addition, patients are not allow to eat seafood. They can choose to eat some low potassium or high potassium food according to themselves condition.

If you want to know more, please leave a message consultation. We need to do specific analysis according to specific circumstances.

2. Moderate drinking water

Most patients with kidney disease have experienced the suffering of swelling, reasonable drinking water can effectively prevent kidney disease recurrence. In addition, I advice patients to give up alcohol and tobacco drinks. After all, it’s risk factor is too high.

3.Low Salt Diet

A high salt diet can cause a rebound in proteinuria, so doctors suggest a low salt diet in your daily life.2g salt can satisfy our body needs, nutritionists recommend kidney disease patients can almost 3g salt per day, do not exceed 6G, and do not recommend complete prohibition of salt.

4. Ensuring Your Sleep

Kidney is a special organs which can replenish vital essence. Sleeping in the night can help replenish so that people can have the energy to release it during the day. If patients lack of sleep, they are more likely to have kidney loss. As a result, kidney loss recurrence is not far away.

Tips: 11 o’clock every night to 1:00 is the most appropriate time to nourish the kidney.

5. Don't overwork yourself

Overtired here not only refers to the exercise and after work “tired”, but also includes staying up late, continuing the spirit does not relax, the work disorder and other fatigue.

6. Mentality is the Most Important

No matter what disease, good attitude is a good medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine is divided the emotion into joy and sorrow, sadness and fear. The corresponding relationship and visceral are too sad, too angry injury liver, overstrung injured spleen, lung have sorrow, fear of renal injury.

7.Avoid infection

Infection can induce and aggravate kidney disease, therefore, reducing the infection is very important. For some chronic occult infection, the lesions should be treated in time, such as chronic periodontitis, tonsillitis, gynecological inflammation, perianal infection etc.

Reducing the incidence of acute infection need to strengthen physical exercise and keep healthy diet. Patients do not always think about what to eat. And don’t always think care products whether waste money.

8.Pay Attention to the Weather

Nephrotic patients can not fight with the weather. They should always pay attention to the wind and rain, sunny and other weather changes. In addition to the weather around the environment should also be concerned about the spring of the catkins pollen, summer high temperature, autumn cold, dry and cold in winter.

Symptoms of high creatinine

Do yo know what are the symptoms with high creatinine level? as we know, high creatinine is a severe sign to kidney disease patients, because it means kidneys have been damaged severely with low kidney function. then what symptoms will patients have with high creatinine? you can learn from this article.

1. water metabolism disorders: including polyuria, nocturia increased, thirsty, mucosal dry, fatigue, etc .; or systemic edema, blood pressure, pulmonary edema and heart failure.

2. sodium metabolism disorders: hyponatremia or hypernatremia.

3. Potassium metabolic disorders: hyperkalemia or hypokalemia.

4. metabolic acidosis, the patient may have deep breathing and long, loss of appetite, abdominal pain and nausea, vomiting, weakness, headache, restless and even coma.

5. Aluminum, magnesium, copper, zinc, selenium abnormalities and so on.

6. Renal bone disease: bone pain and proximal muscle weakness; bone pain is often systemic, the following half of the body holding bone as heavy, skeletal deformity can cause short stature.

7. Respiratory disease.

8. Circulatory system lesions.

9. Digestive system lesions.

10. Blood system lesions, such as renal anemia and so on.

11. Infection.

12. Neuromuscular system Lesions and skin symptoms.

13. Endocrine dysfunction, such as: thyroid dysfunction, sexual dysfunction, growth retardation and so on.

14. Metabolic disorders, such as: carbohydrate metabolism disorders, lipid metabolism disorders, protein and amino acid metabolism disorders, metabolic waste retention.

If you have these symptoms with kidney disease, you should pay attention. taking early treatment to lower high creatinine can help you get a better prognosis. if you want to learn more about this treatment, you can send e-mail to caraliu1989@gmail.com, or contact with whatsapp +8613633219293. we will do the best to help.


How to prevent the relapse of kidney disease

A. Don’t use medicine messy

No matter the Chinese medicine or western medicine, a large number of drugs need to be metabolismed by kidney, if patients take drugs that contain too much toxins, the drugs not only can’t protect the kidney, but also can stimulate the kidney, make the disease relapse. If patients don’t ensure if the drugs have risk when they take, patients should better consult doctors before they take the drugs.

B. Don’t reduce the drugs or stop taking drugs personally

Many kidney disease patients need to take hormon, but when they see the index turn to negative, they will reduce the drugs or stop taking drugs personally, and the disease will relapse, so whether patients can stop taking medicine they should ask lthe doctor, and can’t stop taking drugs personally.

C. Check the body and review timely

Do not use urine foam to measure how much proteinuria+, don't use the back pain or acid to measure renal function, these symptoms are not reliable. For patients with renal nephropathy, after the condition become stable, patients can review the index 3 times a month. Routine urine, serum creatinine, urine protein and blood pressure.

Improper diet can lead to kidney failure?

As the saying goes, Disease are caused by the mouth.Some metabolic diseases such as high blood pressure now, diabetes and other diseases are related to diet.

Can not eat meat on a low protein diet

Red meat and white meat containing high quality protein, are major sources of protein intake in patients with nephropathy.

But the requirements for protein intake are different for different nephropathy:

1., nephrotic syndrome patients generally suffering from proteinuria, should be low protein diet

2. chronic nephritis, sugar, kidney, kidney failure (non dialysis) and other nephrotic patients, the daily intake of protein per kilogram body weight should be 0.5-0.8g.

3. patients who have been in the uremic stage have undergone hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis or renal transplantation, and the protein intake per kilogram of body weight per day should be 1.0-1.4g.

Can low salt diet still take salt?

Generally do not require complete prohibition of salt, only a high degree of edema or complete absence of urine in patients with short-term prohibition of salt. If the two symptoms disappeared, you can have a low salt diet.

Asymptomatic hematuria, persistent proteinuria+, which is more terrible?

Hematuria and proteinuria+ are symptoms of kidney disease, their clinical significance are not the same. Proteinuria, hematuria, hypertension are the three major symptoms of glomerulonephritis, also known as nephritis syndrome, but if it is chronic nephritis these three symptoms are not appear at the same time .

Hematuria, proteinuria, how does hypertension affect kidney disease?

1, Simple renal hematuria

No proteinuria, no High blood pressure, common in occult glomerulonephritis, or familial thin basement membrane nephropathy, these two cases without treatment, to regular review.

2, High blood pressure, proteinuria

Leading to kidney disease kidney function deterioration of the two factors, if the kidney patients with high blood pressure and proteinuria can not control, it will lead to deterioration of renal function.

3, urine protein quantitative

urine protein quantification is an important indicator of the severity of nephritis. If the quantitative ≥ 3.5g, can be identified as Nephrotic syndrome. The greater the amount of urine protein, the more serious the condition.

Urine protein quantification is also a major indicator of the treatment of nephritis treatment, such as after treatment, urinary protein quantification <0.4g can be identified as significantly improved or cured.

Early discovery, the opportunity to restore kidney disease.

Different symptoms of different renal diseases

1:IgA nephropathy
Performance: recurrent hematuria, edema, usually accompanied by hypertension, diabetes prone to repeated hematuria. Three days after upper respiratory tract infection, accompanied by abdominal pain, back pain, muscle pain or fever. A small part is present in patients with microscopic hematuria.

2: Nephritis
Performance: fatigue, waist pain, hematuria, edema, hypertension, abnormal renal function, urine volume decreased (with Shao Niao), congestive heart failure.

3: Nephrotic syndrome
Performance: is the first symptom in renal edema, proteinuria+ or oliguria, less than 400ml/ days, often feel tired, anorexia, pale, listlessness, most blood pressure is normal.

4: Lupus nephritis
Presentation: presence of nephritis and renal complex, with zygomatic erythema, discoid erythema, and photosensitivity

5: Hypertensive kidney
Manifestations: nocturia increased, a large number of proteinuria+, systemic edema, blood cholesterol, triglyceride levels were significantly higher

6: Renal purpura
Performance: skin purpura, joint pain, abdominal pain, hematochezia and hematuria are typical features. The most common digestive tract symptoms, loss of appetite, abdominal distension, nausea, vomiting, regurgitation and belching.

Different kinds of kidney disease, patients may have different symptoms. And the specific treatment will also be different. What kinds of kidney diseases are you suffering from? are you taking any treatment now? if you want to get more suggestions for your own disease,you can send e-mail to caraliu1989@gmail.com,or contact online doctor for free help. 


How to Increase Urine for Kidney Failure Patients

The most basic function of our kidneys is to produce urine so that toxins can be expelled smoothly along with excretion of urine. However, for patients with Kidney Failure, how to increase urine become a difficulty issue. Fortunately, you will find out the available treatments for the condition. If you want to get more information about the natural treatment for kidney disease in China, you can send e-mail to caraliu1989@gmail.com, or also contact with whatsapp +8613633219293. we will give more help.

How dangerous is oliguria for kidney failure patients?

In renal failure stage, patients have lost more than 85% renal function which cannot function effectively. Along with decline of renal function, patients are prone to suffer from oliguria. Then, more and more toxins cannot be expelled timely, which can cause further kidney damage, threatening life quality.

Well then, how to increase urine output for renal failure patients?

Actually, if kidneys stop producing urine totally, it is necessary to receive dialysis treatment which can replace parts of renal function to sustain patients’life. However, as a matter of fact, dialysis cannot increase urine output at all because it fails to repair kidney damage and improve renal function. Well then, how to do?
If you can come to Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, you will have more treatments that not only can help increase urine output but also can improve life quality. Here below are some unique therapies for your information.

Acupuncture: through stimulating the acupoints around kidneys, the related cells and nerves will secrete elements and produce responses to support the normal activities of kidney. Through stimulating the shenshu acupoint with the needle, many patients has increased their urine volume.

Medicated Bath: the medicines has diffusing function, with the increased blood, patients will urinate and sweat a lot, which is a good way to celan the toxins and wastes in blood.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy: It is an external application of Chinese herbal medicine. About 13-14 kinds of Chinese herbs are super-finely shattered. With osmosis device and penetrant liquid, the effective ingredients can permeate into kidney lesions directly. These ingredients have the function of dilating blood vessels, fighting against inflammation and degrading extracellular matrixes, thus increasing the whole blood circulation. Then, kidneys can get enough blood volume and oxygen to function well. As long as kidney function get well improvement, kidney will continue to produce urine.


Are There Any Hope For Failed Kidneys Without Kidney Transplant

Renal Patient: Both kidneys as Pakistani Doctors failed suggest only tranplant but if there are any hope without transplant kindly till us with fee all experiences in Pakistani rs can I send all tests you will check give us advise.

Kidney Doctor: Kidney transplant can be an alternative to dialysis and in many cases will be the treatment of choice. However, it may be months or even years before a suitable kidney becomes available. Besides, even if you have a successful kidney transplant, you must take pills to suppress your immune system for the life of the transplant. These pills keep your body from rejecting your new kidney. You also need to see your doctors regularly to monitor your health and your transplanted kidney.

Due to the limitation and risks of kidney transplant, a lot of people want to find alternatives to kidney transplantation. In our hospital-Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, China, we innovate a series of Chinese medicine treatments including Medicated Bath, Medicated Foot Bath, Mai Kang Mixture, Medicinal Soup, Moxibustion Therapy and Steaming Therapy, etc. Purifying your blood should be the first step in kidney disease treatment. Because healthy kidneys are responsible for removing wastes and toxins out while failed kidneys can not do this function. In this way, a lot of wastes and toxins will build up in your body. This can pollute your blood. And you can not get a good therapeutic effect no matter which medicine you take. The wastes and toxins in your body can counteract the effect of medication you take and also cause further kidney damage. Thus, the first step in kidney treatment should expel wastes and toxins out. This can provide you a good internal blood environment for recovering renal function. According to your specific condition, our experts will make you an individualized treatment plan. Our Chinese medicine treatments aim to dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation, prevent inflammation and coagulation, degrade extracellular matrix, provide nutrients and remove blood stasis so as to improve renal function gradually. When kidney function is strengthened, it is possible to defer kidney transplant.

Our Chinese medicine treatments can help patients with both failed kidneys avoid kidney transplantation. If you want to know more information, you can leave a message below or consult our online doctor directly.


High Creatinine 3.4: How to Reduce It Naturally

As we know, high creatinine level is often regarded as a severe sign to kidney disease patients, because the elevation of creatinine level means there are more than 50% kidney function has been damaged. So, renal patients should pay attention and take effective treatment to lower it. But how? What is natural treatment to reduce high creatinine level? In this article, we will learn more.

Creatinine 3.4 is much higher than normal level 0.5-1.3 mg/dl, and it means kidneys have been damaged severely. Patients should reduce it to prevent further kidney damage, because patients are often suggested to take dialysis when creatinine level is higher than 5.

In China, there is a systematic Chinese medicine used to lower high creatinine 3.4 from root, which is known as Toxin-Removing Treatment. It is a characteristic and effective treatment based on TCM, including various Chinese therapies, such as foot bath, full bath, oral Chinese medicine, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, navel therapy, acupuncture, moxibustion, and so on. Based on the specific illness condition of renal patients, different therapies will be used.

Here are the functions of taking Toxin-Rmoving Treatment for high creatinine 3.4 patients.

1. Remove toxins and wastes out from blood by increasing urine output, bowel movement and skin sweating by taking the Chinese therapies. In this way, the high creatinine level can be reduced effectively. Thus can also clear blood and make a good internal blood environment for further treatment.

2. This treatment can also expand blood vessels and improve blood circulation, which can increase blood volume into kidneys and bring more essential elements to kidneys, then it can repair damaged renal cells and improve the renal function. In this way, kidney function can be improved, and the high creatinine level will be reduced from root.

Through taking the systematic treatment, high creatinine 3.4 can be reduced naturally from root. And patients will avoid further kidney damage and dialysis to live a better life. If you want to learn more details of the Toxin-Removing Treatment in China for high creatinine, you can send e-mail to caraliu1989@gmail.com, or contact whatsapp +8613633219293, we can give more professional guidelines.

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